This is the source code of our TCYB 2018 paper "SCH-GAN: Semi-supervised Cross-modal Hashing by Generative Adversarial Network", Please cite the following paper if you use our code.
Jian Zhang, Yuxin Peng and Mingkuan Yuan, "SCH-GAN: Semi-supervised Cross-modal Hashing by Generative Adversarial Network", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), 2018. [PDF]
For NUSWIDE dataset:
- Pretrain the model by using the code under pretrain directory (pretrain-nus): python
- Train the model by using the code under SCHGAN-nus: python
- Generate hash codes for query and database samples by using the code under SCHGAN-nus: python
Wikipedia and MIRFlickr datasets are similar to the NUSWIDE dataset.
For more information, please refer to our TCYB paper.
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