documentation refers to:
row or column?
General Remarks: Fields in "[]" in the second row are optional and may be left empty.
Condition table has “[conditionName]” in the first row, second column.
What does “[]” mean? Should the general remark apply to rows or columns?
Could it be that rows and columns are reversed when the .tsv is read into python?
Same for Measurement table “[preequilibrationConditionId]”, “[observableParameters]”, “[noiseParameters]”, “[datasetId]”, “[replicateId]”.
Same for Observables table “[observableTransformation]”.
Same for Parameter table “[parameterName]”.
Yaml error:
Provided YAML file does not adhere to PEtab schema: 'format_version' is a required property
format_version: 1
Not described in:
but the lines from the Bachmann sample show how to do it, and it is in the schema.