Adds a web report to PowerSchool SIS that allows admin users to print an official provincial transcript in English or in French.
Make a selection of students and select PEI Student Transcript (under PEI Reports) in the Group Functions menu or on the Group Functions page.
- v2024.11 - Updated to better highlight ESAP & to include new grad reqs
- v2024.10 - Updated pagenavigation for report card changes
- v2024.6 - Update credits table, add Audited special code, add link to PEI Report Card Data in EUI
- v2024.2.1 - Fixed current course marks displaying multiple times
- v2024.1.2 - Fixed ESAP entry in legend, added EUI nav links
- v2023.11.4 - Fixed issue with page 2 layout
- v2023.11.3 - Fixed issue with ADP showing up even when no ADP
- v2023.11.2 - Fixed issue with ADP causing transcript to not print & added ESAP blurb to page 2
- v2023.11.1 - Fixed issue where current course marks were not display
- v2023.11 - Handlebars template deployed to production (November 14, 2023). V1 files removed from repo.
Note: changed numbering scheme to simplify versioning
- v1.9.2 - Production-ready Handlebars template with single JSON data source and updated translations (still testing)
- v1.3 - Added Essential Skills Achievement Pathway indicator to transcript legend
- v1.2 - Fixed issue with current courses
- v1.1 - Made URL link a link
- v1.1 - Updated English Programs reqs
- v1.0.1 - Respolved issue with title (role) for signature only printing on firstd page of a batch
- v1.0 - Initial release