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A Laravel Nova package that adds a multiselect to Nova's arsenal of fields.


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Nova Multiselect

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This Laravel Nova package adds a multiselect to Nova's arsenal of fields.


  • php: >=8.0
  • laravel/nova: ^4.1


  • Multi- and singleselect with search
  • Asynchronous search
  • Reordering functionality with drag & drop
  • Dependency on other Multiselect instances
  • Distinct values between multiple multiselects
  • Fully compatible with light and dark modes


Detail View

Form View


Install the package in a Laravel Nova project via Composer:

composer require outl1ne/nova-multiselect-field


The field is used similarly to Nova's native Select field. The field type in the database should be text-based (ie string, text or varchar), selected values are stored as a stringified JSON array.

use Outl1ne\MultiselectField\Multiselect;

public function fields(Request $request)
    return [
      Multiselect::make('Football teams')
          'liverpool' => 'Liverpool FC',
          'tottenham' => 'Tottenham Hotspur',

        // Optional:
        ->placeholder('Choose football teams') // Placeholder text
        ->max(4) // Maximum number of items the user can choose
        ->saveAsJSON() // Saves value as JSON if the database column is of JSON type
        ->optionsLimit(5) // How many items to display at once
        ->reorderable() // Allows reordering functionality
        ->singleSelect() // If you want a searchable single select field
        ->distinct('football') // Disables values used by other multiselects in same distinct group
        ->taggable() // Possible to add values ("tags") on the fly

        // Async model querying

          // If you want a custom search, create your own endpoint:
          ->api('/api/multiselect/artists?something=false', Artist::class),

Option groups

Option groups are supported. Their syntax is the same as Laravel's option group syntax.

In this example (from Nova docs), all values are grouped by the group key:

    'MS' => ['label' => 'Small', 'group' => 'Men Sizes'],
    'MM' => ['label' => 'Medium', 'group' => 'Men Sizes'],
    'WS' => ['label' => 'Small', 'group' => 'Women Sizes'],
    'WM' => ['label' => 'Medium', 'group' => 'Women Sizes'],


You can make a Multiselect depend on another by using optionsDependOn. The value from the optionsDependOn Multiselect has to be the key to the options and the value must be a key-value dictionary of options as usual.


Multiselect::make('Country', 'country')
        'IT' => 'Italy',
        'SG' => 'Singapore',

Multiselect::make('Language', 'language')
    ->optionsDependOn('country', [
        'IT' => [
            'it' => 'Italian',
        'SG' => [
            'en' => 'English',
            'ms' => 'Malay',
            'zh' => 'Chinese',

    // Optionally define max number of values
        'IT' => 1,
        'SG' => 3,


You can use this field for BelongsToMany relationship selection.

// Add your BelongsToMany relationship to your model:
public function categories()
    return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\Category::class);

// Add the field to your Resource for asynchronous option querying:
Multiselect::make('Categories', 'categories')

// Alternatively, you can set the second argument to 'false' to
// query the options on page load and prevent the user from having
// to first type in order to view the available options. Note: Not
// recommended for unbounded relationship row counts.
Multiselect::make('Categories', 'categories')
  ->belongsToMany(\App\Nova\Resources\Category::class, false),


Possible options you can pass to the field using the option name as a function, ie ->placeholder('Choose peanuts').

Option type default description
options Array|callable [] Options in an array as key-value pairs (['id' => 'value']).
api($path, $resource) String, String (Resource) null URL that can be used to fetch options asynchronously. The search string is provided in the search query parameter. The API must return object containing key-value pairs (['id' => 'value']).
asyncResource($resource) String (Resource) null Provide a Resource class to fetch the options asynchronously.
placeholder String Field name The placeholder string for the input.
max Number Infinite The maximum number of options a user can select.
groupSelect Boolean false For use with option groups - allows the user to select whole groups at once
singleSelect Boolean false Makes the field act as a single select which also means the saved value will not be an array.
saveAsJSON Boolean false When you have a SQL JSON column, you can force the field to save the values as JSON. By default, values are saved as a stringified array.
optionsLimit Number 1000 The maximum number of options displayed at once. Other options are still accessible through searching.
nullable Boolean false If the field is nullable an empty select will result in null else an empty array ([]) is stored.
reorderable Boolean false Enables (or disables) the reordering functionality of the multiselect field.
optionsDependOn String, Array null Determines which Multiselect this field depends on.
belongsToMany String (Resource) null Allows the Multiselect to function as a BelongsToMany field.
belongsTo String (Resource) null Allows the Multiselect to function as a BelongsTo field.
taggable Boolean false Makes the Multiselet to support tags (dynamically entered values).
clearOnSelect Boolean false Clears input after an option has been selected.
distinct String Field Attribute Syncs options between multiple multiselects in the same group and disables the options that have already been used.
indexDelimiter String ', ' Sets delimiter used to join values on index view
indexValueDisplayLimit Number 9999 Define how many values can be displayed at once on index view
indexCharDisplayLimit Number 40 Set char limit for index display value


The translations file can be published by using the following publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Outl1ne\MultiselectField\FieldServiceProvider" --tag="translations"

You can then edit the strings to your liking.

Overwriting the detail field

You can overwrite the detail view value component to customize it as you see fit.

Create a new component for NovaMultiselectDetailFieldValue and register it in your app.js. The component receives two props: field and values. The values prop is an array of selected labels.

// in NovaMultiselectDetailFieldValue.vue

  <div class="relative rounded-lg bg-white shadow border border-60" v-if="values">
    <div class="overflow-hidden rounded-b-lg rounded-t-lg">
      <div class="border-b border-50 cursor-text font-mono text-sm py-2 px-4" v-for="(value, i) of values" :key="i">
        {{ value }}

  <div v-else></div>

export default {
  props: ['field', 'values'],
// in app.js

import NovaMultiselectDetailFieldValue from './NovaMultiselectDetailFieldValue';

Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
  Vue.component('nova-multiselect-detail-field-value', NovaMultiselectDetailFieldValue);

Overwriting the form tag field

You can overwrite the tag template in the form-field component to customize it as you see fit.

Create a new component for FormFieldTag and register it in your app.js. The component receives two props: option and remove. The option prop is an object with, for example, the label.

// in FormFieldTag.vue

  <span class="multiselect__tag">
    <span>{{ option.label.trim() }}</span>
    <i class="multiselect__tag-icon" @click="remove(option)"></i>

export default {
  props: ['option', 'remove'],
// in app.js

import FormFieldTag from './FormFieldTag';

Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
  Vue.component('form-multiselect-field-tag', FormFieldTag);



This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


A Laravel Nova package that adds a multiselect to Nova's arsenal of fields.







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  • PHP 51.1%
  • Vue 41.1%
  • JavaScript 7.7%
  • CSS 0.1%