This version of Chombo is fortran-free and depends on the Proto infrasturcture for performance portability. On GPU devices, Proto's data holders are used. Chombo maintains host-based data holders. Chombo handles all MPI and HDF5 interactions.
- Create the configuration file (Chombo_4/mk/Make.defs.local)
- cp Make.defs.local.template Make.defs.local
- There are other examples of configuration files in Chombo_4/mk/local
- Edit the configuration file
- Specify your HDF5 location.
- Specify your c++ compiler.
- Specify your compiler flags.
- Specify your PROTO location.
- cp Make.defs.local.template Make.defs.local
- Configure the examples using Chombo_4/examples/configure.example
- For example type
<unix prompt> ./configure --opt TRUE --mpi FALSE --dim 3 --cuda TRUE
- The configuration parameters are given by:
<unix prompt> ./configure.example --help
usage: configure.example [-h] [--dim DIM] [--opt {DEBUG,TRUE}] [--mpi {TRUE,FALSE}] [--hdf5 {TRUE,FALSE}] [--prec {SINGLE,DOUBLE}] [--cuda {TRUE,FALSE}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dim DIM dimensionality to build executables [1,2,3]
--opt {DEBUG,TRUE} compiler optimization [DEBUG]
--mpi {TRUE,FALSE} MPI on or off [FALSE]
--hdf5 {TRUE,FALSE} HDF5 on or off [FALSE]
--prec {SINGLE,DOUBLE} precision [DOUBLE]
--cuda {TRUE,FALSE} CUDA on or off [FALSE]
- This will create a GNUmakefile in each example directory.
- Go into the example dirctory and type 'make'