A tool for deobfuscation of Java bytecode. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/cuchaz/enigma, copyright Jeff Martin. Enigma is used by Orinthe to remap, decompile and deobfuscate minecraft source code. This project was forked from QuiltMCs version of Enigma which was in turn forked from FabricMCs Enigma.
Enigma is distributed under the LGPL-3.0.
Enigma includes the following open-source libraries:
- Vineflower (Apache-2.0)
- Procyon (Apache-2.0)
- A modified version of CFR (MIT)
- Guava (Apache-2.0)
- SyntaxPane (Apache-2.0)
- FlatLaf (Apache-2.0)
- jopt-simple (MIT)
- ASM (BSD-3-Clause)
Pre-compiled jars can be found on the Ornithe maven.
java -jar enigma.jar
java -cp enigma.jar cuchaz.enigma.command.Main
- Clone the project
- Start editing
- You can launch enigma using the following command to test your changes:
./gradlew :enigma-swing:run --args="-jar <jar to analyse location> -mappings <mappings location> -profile <enigma_profile.json lowation>"
Note that any of the arguments after --args
are optional