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Config Options

Justin Hammond edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 4 revisions


The options file allows you to fine tune the operation and logging of the Open-ZWave library. The sections below specify the various options you can set in options.xml file located in the UserDirectory


An Example options.xml file is below

<Options xmlns=''>
  <Option name="logging" value="true" />
  <Option name="Associate" value="true" />
  <Option name="NotifyTransactions" value="false" />
  <Option name="DriverMaxAttempts" value="0" />
  <Option name="SaveConfiguration" value="true" />

The Various Options you can specify are:

Option Name Type Description
UserPath String This is the directory location where various files created by the library are stored. Examples include the zwcfg_.xml and LogFiles_
ConfigPath String This is the directory where the device database resides
Logging Bool Enable Logging in the Library or not.
ConsoleOutput Bool Enable log output to stdout (or console)
LogFileName String The Log File Name to use (will be output in the UserPath Directory
AppendLogFile Bool On Restart, should we erase old log files, or append to existing log files
SaveLogLevel LogLevel
QueueLogLevel LogLevel
DumpTriggerLevel LogLevel
Associate Bool Automatically Associate the Control with any Groups that have be flagged by specific devices in the Device Database
NotifyTransactions Bool When a Message Transaction (via the Zwave Protocol) has been completed, receive a Code_MsgComplete notification via the Notification Interface.
DriverMaxAttempts Integer Maximum Attempts the Library will try to Initialize the controller
SaveConfiguration Bool When Shutting Down, should the library automatically save the Network Configuration in zwcfg_.xml_
PollInterval Integer How long we should spend polling the entire network, or how long between polls we should wait. (See IntervalBetweenPolls)
IntervalBetweenPolls Bool Should the above value be how long to wait between polling the network devices, or how often all devices should be polled
PerformReturnRoutes Bool After Processing a Group Changed Notification, should we update the Return Routes Map on affected devices
Include String Specify Which Command Classes the Library will support
Exclude String Specifically Exclude Command Classes from the Library
SuppressValueRefresh Bool After a Value is Refreshed, should we send a notification to the application
RetryTimeout Integer Timeout before retrying to send a message. Defaults to 40 Seconds
NetworkKey 16 Byte Key Network Key to use for Encrypting Secure Messages over the Network
EnableSIS Bool Automatically become a SUC if there is No SUC on the network
AssumeAwake Bool Assume Devices that support the Wakeup Class are awake when starting up OZW
RefreshAllUserCodes Bool Should we refresh all UserCodes in the UserCode CC when we start up
SecurityStrategy String Alters how OZW determines when to Encrypt Messages to certain CommandClasses. Options are: "ESSENTIAL" - Those CommandClasses that MUST be encrypted. "SUPPORTED" is any CommandClass advertisied in the SecureNIF frame, and "CUSTOM" - A list of CommandClasses specified in the "CustomSecureCC" option
CustomSecureCC Integer A comma Separated list of CommmandClasses we should encrypt if SecurityStrategy is set to CUSTOM
EnforceSecureReception bool If a CommandClass is Marked as Secure, ONLY process encrypted messages received from it. Ignore any Plain text messages
AutoUpdateConfigFile bool If OZW detects a newer Config file for a device is available, automatically download that new Config File
ReloadAfterUpdate string After Downloading a new config file, the Strategy to reload the device (so the new Config File will take effect). Options are "AWAKE" - Only devices that currently awake (default), "NEVER" - Never Reload a device. The user needs to initiate a RefreshNode command to reload. "IMMEDIATE" - Regardless of device status, (Awake, Sleeping), Reload the Config File
Language string The Default Language to use in OZW
IncludeInstanceLabel string if OZW should automatically include the Instance Name in ValueID Labels
ThreadTerminateTimeout Integer Windows RT Only - How long to wait before terminating Threads

Log Levels

The Following Values can be used for the various LogLevel options above. Use the numeric value in options.xml to specify the actual log level.

value Logging Level
0 No Logging
1 All Messages
2 Fatal Messages Only
3 Error Messages and Higher
4 Warning Messages and Higher
5 Alert Messages and Higher
6 Info Messages and Higher
7 Detailed Messages and Higher
8 Debug Messages and Higher
9 Protocol Information and Higher