I am trying to run the OBP solution with a Kafka Connector (Windows environment). Just following the basic instructions. Kafka server is running correctly because I have some other producers and consumers, however OBP Solution in Debug mode from IntelliJ always throws the following exception:
"message":"OBP-50016: The kafka server is unavailable. Timeout error, because kafka do not return message to OBP-API. Ask timed out on [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://ObpActorSystem_127-0-0-1@, Path(/user/code.kafka.KafkaHelper)]] after [3000 ms]. Message of type [com.openbankproject.commons.model.ObpApiLoopback]. A typical reason for AskTimeoutException
is that the recipient actor didn't send a reply."
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.