This is the basic AC Viewer
project for OSCP clients based on AC Viewer app
from the Augmented City company.
Unity version 2021.3.0f1
- ARFoundation 4.2.2
- ARCore XR Plugin 4.2.2
- ARKit XR Plugin 4.2.2
- XR Plugin Managment 4.2.1
- TextMeshPro 3.0.6
- Draco 3D Data Compression 4.0.2
- glTFast 4.6.0
- KTX/Basis Texture 2.1.2
- meshoptimizer decompression for Unity(experimental) 0.1.0-preview.5
- XR Interaction Toolkit Pre-Release 1.0.0-pre.8
- Newtonsoft Json 2.0.2
- Allow 'unsafe' Code - true
- Minimum API Level: Android 9.0
- Target Architectures - ARM64
- Delete VulcanAPI from Graphics API (ARCore doesn’t support).
- Allow 'unsafe' Code - true
- other settings standard for ARKit with Unity.
To test the login you need to use the Scene Login and add requried url:s and secrets. On object "@Oauth2" in the scene heirarcy. I tested this using Auth0 but it should support anything that uses OAuth2.0. The authentication uses PKCE flow and deep linking
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Authorization Endpoint
- Token Endpoint
- UserInfo Endpoint
- Redirect URL
For deep link to work on Android you need to follow your login services. The AndroidManifest.xml also need to add intent and the deep link url
Custom android Manifest and Deep Link
Follow the Unity Deep Link
This project uses the following open source libraries:
- H3Net,, Apache License v2
- DecimalMath,, MIT license