TiMEX can be configured from published timex.php
config file.
TiMEX Config
use Carbon\Carbon;
return [
| TIMEX Icon set
| Don't change that prefix, otherwise icon set will not work.
'prefix' => 'timex',
| TIMEX Mini widget
| You can disable or enable individually widgets or entirely the whole view.
'mini' => [
'isMiniCalendarEnabled' => true,
'isDayViewHidden' => false,
'isNextMeetingViewHidden' => false,
| TIMEX Calendar configurations
| Change according to your locale.
'week' => [
'start' => Carbon::MONDAY,
'end' => Carbon::SUNDAY
'isDayClickEnabled' => true,
'dayName' => 'minDayName', // minDayName or dayName or shortDayName
'dropDownCols' => 3,
'isPastCreationEnabled' => false,
| TIMEX Resources & Pages
| By default TIMEX out of box will work, just make sure you make migration.
| But you can also make your own Model and Filament resource and update config accordingly
'pages' => [
'timex' => \Buildix\Timex\Pages\Timex::class,
'slug' => 'timex',
'group' => 'timex',
'sort' => 0,
'shouldRegisterNavigation' => true,
'enablePolicy' => false,
'modalWidth' => 'xl',
'icon' => [
'static' => true,
'timex' => 'timex-timex',
'day' => 'timex-day-'
'label' => [
'navigation' => [
'static' => false,
'format' => 'dddd, D MMM',
'breadcrumbs' => [
'static' => false,
'format' => 'dddd, D MMM',
'title' => [
'static' => false,
'format' => 'dddd, D MMM',
'buttons' => [
'hideYearNavigation' => false,
'today' => [
'static' => false,
'format' => 'D MMM'
'outlined' => true,
'icons' => [
'previousYear' => 'heroicon-o-chevron-double-left',
'nextYear' => 'heroicon-o-chevron-double-right',
'previousMonth' => 'heroicon-o-chevron-left',
'nextMonth' => 'heroicon-o-chevron-right',
'createEvent' => 'heroicon-o-plus'
'modal' => [
'submit' => [
'outlined' => false,
'color' => 'primary',
'icon' => [
'enabled' => true,
'name' => 'heroicon-o-save'
'cancel' => [
'outlined' => false,
'color' => 'secondary',
'icon' => [
'enabled' => true,
'name' => 'heroicon-o-x-circle'
'delete' => [
'outlined' => false,
'color' => 'danger',
'icon' => [
'enabled' => true,
'name' => 'heroicon-o-trash'
'edit' => [
'outlined' => false,
'color' => 'primary',
'icon' => [
'enabled' => true,
'name' => 'heroicon-o-pencil-alt'
'view' => [
'time' => 'heroicon-o-clock',
'category' => 'heroicon-o-tag',
'body' => 'heroicon-o-annotation',
'participants' => 'heroicon-o-user-group',
'resources' => [
'event' => \Buildix\Timex\Resources\EventResource::class,
'sort' => 1,
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-calendar',
'slug' => 'timex-events',
'shouldRegisterNavigation' => true,
'isStartEndHidden' => false,
'models' => [
'event' => \Buildix\Timex\Models\Event::class,
'users' => [
'model' => \App\Models\User::class,
'name' => 'name',
'id' => 'id',
'tables' => [
'event' => [
'name' => 'timex_events',
'category' => [
'name' => 'timex_categories',
| TIMEX Event categories
| Categories names are used to define colors & icons.
| Each represents default tailwind colors.
| You may change as you wish, just make sure your color have -500 / -600 and other variants
| You may also go for a custom Category model to define your labels, colors and icons
'categories' => [
'isModelEnabled' => false,
| Category Model
| You can define your custom Category model.
| Minimum and default columns in your DB should be: id, value, icon, color.
'model' => [
'class' => \Buildix\Timex\Models\Category::class, // \App\Models\Category::class
'key' => 'id', // "id" is a DB column - you can change by any primary key
'value' => 'value', // "value" is a DB column - it used for Select options and displays on Resource page
'icon' => 'icon', // "icon" is a DB column - define here any heroicon- icon
'color' => 'color', // "color" is a DB column - default tailwindcss colors names like: primary / secondary / danger
| Default TiMEX Categories
'labels' => [
'primary' => 'Primary category',
'secondary' => 'Secondary category',
'danger' => 'Danger category',
'success' => 'Success category',
'icons' => [
'primary' => 'heroicon-o-clipboard',
'secondary' => 'heroicon-o-bookmark',
'danger' => 'heroicon-o-flag',
'success' => 'heroicon-o-badge-check',
'colors' => [
'primary' => 'primary',
'secondary' => 'secondary',
'danger' => 'danger',
'success' => 'success',
Boolean (default: true
'mini' => [
'isMiniCalendarEnabled' => true,
If it's true, on the header of your page day view & upcoming events widget will be registered
Boolean (default: false
'mini' => [
'isDayViewHidden' => false,
If it's true
, day view on the header would be hidden
Boolean (default: false
'mini' => [
'isNextMeetingViewHidden' => false,
If it's true
, upcoming events widget on the header would be hidden
Carbon instance (default: Carbon::MONDAY
'week' => [
'start' => Carbon::MONDAY,
You can change start of week on the calendar in accordance with your locale by changing to e.g.: Carbon::SUNDAY
Carbon instance (default: Carbon::SUNDAY
'week' => [
'end' => Carbon::SUNDAY
You can change end of week on the calendar to e.g.: Carbon::SATURDAY
Boolean (default: true
'isDayClickEnabled' => true,
If it's true, you can click on any day on the calendar to create an event on that particular day
Carbon formatter (default: minDayName
'dayName' => 'minDayName',
Option is used to format how week day names will be displayed on your calendar:
: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday ...shortDayName
: Mon / Tue / Wed ...minDayName
: Mo / Tu / We ..
Integer (default: 3
'dropDownCols' => 3,
You can change the column grids on the year / month dropdown view
Boolean (default: false
'isPastCreationEnabled' => false,
If it's true, users can create & move events to the past days