Code for the CIKM'23 paper "A Retrieve-and-Read Framework for Knowledge Graph Link Prediction"
Dataset | MRR | HITS@1 | HITS@3 | HITS@10 |
FB15K-237 | .390 | .315 | .413 | .539 |
WN18RR | .472 | .439 | .481 | .537 |
Create a new conda virtual env
Install horovod
HOROVOD_WITH_PYTORCH=1 --no-cache-dir --ignore-installed pip install horovod[pytorch] --extra-index-url
- Install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the preprocessed subgraphs and KG triples from this link from respective directories FB15K-237
and WN18RR
are place them in a data/
- Follow the steps in for details.
python -u --dataset-path data/FB15K-237/ \
--sampling-type minerva \
--batch-size 256 --out-dir data/FB15K-237/train_preproc/ \
--graph-connection type_1 --split train
- For WN18RR, set
--batch-size 512 --beam-size 40 --add-segment-embed --add-inverse-rels
python -u --dataset-path data/FB15K-237/ --cuda \
--save-dir ckpts/CKPT_DIR/ --sampling-type minerva \
--embed-dim 320 --n-attn-heads 8 --n-bert-layers 3 \
--lr 1e-2 --warmup 0.1 --batch-size 512 \
--n-epochs 300 --patience 20 \
--seed 12548 > ckpts/CKPT_DIR/log.txt 2>&1
- For BFS retriever (FB15K-237 dataset), set
--sampling-type bfs --sample-size 100 --neigh-size 10
- For one-hop neighborhood retriever (FB15K-237 dataset), set
--sampling-type onehop --sample-size 50
python -u --dataset-path data/WN18RR/ --cuda \
--save-dir ckpts/CKPT_DIR/ --sampling-type minerva \
--embed-dim 320 --n-attn-heads 8 --n-bert-layers 3 \
--lr 0.00175 --label-smoothing 0.1 --warmup 0.1 \
--batch-size 256 --n-epochs 500 \
--patience 100 --beam-size 40 --add-segment-embed --add-inverse-rels \
--seed 12548 > ckpts/CKPT_DIR/log.txt 2>&1
- For BFS retriever (WN18RR dataset), set
--sampling-type bfs --sample-size 30 --neigh-size 10 --lr 0.001
- For one-hop neighborhood retriever (WN18RR dataset), set
--sampling-type onehop --sample-size 12 --lr 0.0004
python --dataset-path <DATA_PATH> --cuda \
--ckpt-path ckpts/CKPT_DIR/ \
--split <valid/test> --sampling-type minerva \
--graph-connection type_1 --embed-dim 320 --n-attn-heads 8 \
--n-bert-layers 3 [--beam-size <>] [--add-segment-embed] [--add-inverse-rels]
author = {Vardaan Pahuja and
Boshi Wang and
Hugo Latapie and
Jayanth Srinivasa and
Yu Su},
title = {A Retrieve-and-Read Framework for Knowledge Graph Link Prediction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd {ACM} International Conference on Information
{\&} Knowledge Management},
journal = {Conference on Information and Knowledge Managament (CIKM)},
year = {2023},
url = {},
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2212.09724},
abbr = {CIKM},
publisher = {{ACM}},