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ORIGYN NFT Sale Notifications v0.1

Note: For full details of any of the apis in this document, please see


The ORIGYN NFT has a market based notification system. Those interested in receiving notifications of new sales can stake OGY tokens to receive priority positions in line for the notifications.

Explicit Notifications

A user listing an NFT for sale can specify a list of canisters to notify of their new sale. This is done using the #notify variant in an ask request. An example request is below:

    token_id = "1" : text;
    sales_config = {
        escrow_receipt = null;
        broker_id = null; //can be an opt Principal
        pricing = #ask (opt vec {
          #reserve(100 * 10 ** 8), //reserve price below you do not want to sell
            canister = Principal.fromActor(dfx); //the principal from the ledger you want to transact in
            standard =  #Ledger;
            decimals = 8;
            symbol = "GLDT";
            fee = ?10000;
            id = null; //null unless you are on a multi-token ledger
          #buy_now(500 * 10 ** 8),  //the sale price for listings -- remove for an auctions style sale
          #start_price(1 * 10 ** 8), //set this equal to the buy now price if doing a classic listing
          #ending(#date(get_time() + DAY_LENGTH)), //if you omit this the sale will last 1 minute and the token will be locked
          #min_increase(#amount(10*10**8)), //not necessary for buy it now
          Principal.fromActor(b_wallet)]) //list of principals to notify - max 5;

There may be other features like #dutch that you can add to an ask.

Once this ask is submitted and processed, the canister will begin notifying elected principals after any subscriptions have been served.

Listening for Notifications

To receive notifications, you must implement a one-shot endpoint that adhears to the following types:

public type Subscriber = actor {
  notify_sale_nft_origyn : shared (SubscriberNotification) -> ();

public type SubscriberNotification = {
  escrow_info : SubAccountInfo;
  sale : SaleStatusShared;
  seller : Account;
  collection: Principal;

public type SubAccountInfo = {
  principal : Principal;
  account_id : Blob;
  account_id_text : Text;
  account : {
    principal : Principal;
    sub_account : Blob;

public type SaleStatusShared = {
  sale_id : Text; //sha256?;
  original_broker_id : ?Principal;
  broker_id : ?Principal;
  token_id : Text;
  sale_type : {
    #auction : AuctionStateShared;

public type Account = {
  #principal : Principal;
  #account : {owner: Principal; sub_account: ?Blob};
  #account_id : Text;
  #extensible : CandyTypes.CandyShared;

public type AuctionStateShared = {
  config : PricingConfigShared;
  current_bid_amount : Nat;
  current_broker_id : ?Principal;
  end_date : Int;
  start_date : Int;
  min_next_bid : Nat;
  token : TokenSpec;
  current_escrow : ?EscrowReceipt;
  wait_for_quiet_count : ?Nat;
  allow_list : ?[(Principal, Bool)]; // user, tree
  participants : [(Principal, Int)]; //user, timestamp of last access
  status : {
  winner : ?Account;

public type PricingConfigShared = {
  #instant; //executes an escrow receipt transfer -only available for non-marketable NFTs
  #auction: AuctionConfig; //deprecated - use ask
  #ask: AskConfigShared;
  #extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;

public type EscrowReceipt = {
  amount: Nat; //Nat to support cycles
  seller: Account;
  buyer: Account;
  token_id: Text;
  token: TokenSpec;

public type AskConfigShared = ?[AskFeature];

public type AskFeature = {
  #atomic; // not implemented
  #buy_now: Nat; //set a price at which anything greater or equal will sell
  #wait_for_quiet: {
      extension: Nat64;
      fade: Float;
      max: Nat
  }; //not implemented
  #allow_list : [Principal]; //only for non-marketable nfts
  #notify: [Principal]; //notify canisters of the sale
  #reserve: Nat; //a price below which the sale will be invalid
  #start_date: Int; //Timestamp
  #start_price: Nat; //price to start at
  #min_increase: {
    #percentage: Float;
    #amount: Nat;
  }; //min increase for each next bid
  #ending: {
    #date: Int;
    #timeout: Nat;
  }; //exact date or extension from now.
  #token: TokenSpec; //specification for the token
  #dutch: {
    time_unit: {
      #hour : Nat;
      #minute : Nat;
      #day : Nat;
      #flat: Nat;
      #percent: Float;
  }; //not implemented
  #kyc: Principal; //specify a KYC provider that any counterparty must pass. Not implemented
  #nifty_settlement: {
    duration: ?Int;
    expiration: ?Int;
    fixed: Bool;
    lenderOffer: Bool;
    interestRatePerSecond: Float;
  }; //not implemented

public type ICTokenSpec = {
      canister: Principal;
      fee: ?Nat;
      symbol: Text;
      decimals: Nat;
      id: ?Nat;
      standard: {
          #ICRC1; //use #Ledger instead
          #Other : CandyTypes.CandyShared;

  public type TokenSpec = {
    #ic: ICTokenSpec;
    #extensible : CandyTypes.CandyShared; //#Class

  public type CandyShared = {
    #Int : Int;
    #Int8: Int8;
    #Int16: Int16;
    #Int32: Int32;
    #Int64: Int64;
    #Ints: [Int];
    #Nat : Nat;
    #Nat8 : Nat8;
    #Nat16 : Nat16;
    #Nat32 : Nat32;
    #Nat64 : Nat64;
    #Float : Float;
    #Text : Text;
    #Bool : Bool;
    #Blob : Blob;
    #Class : [PropertyShared];
    #Principal : Principal;
    #Option : ?CandyShared;
    #Array :  [CandyShared];
    #Nats: [Nat];
    #Floats: [Float]; 
    #Bytes : [Nat8];
    #Map : [(CandyShared, CandyShared)];
    #Set : [CandyShared];

  public type PropertyShared = {name : Text; value : CandyShared; immutable : Bool};

A sample notification is below:

  collection = zkqhl-aeaaa-aaaaa-qac3a-cai; 
  escrow_info = {
    account = {
      principal = zkqhl-aeaaa-aaaaa-qac3a-cai; 
      sub_account = "\56\B1\83\2A\89\32\4F\34\A1\62\F0\3E\77\09\95\8D\71\20\C5\08\9A\33\E3\20\9F\1E\14\3E\BD\81\C5\6C"
    account_id = "\A4\43\3A\95\32\6C\99\0F\04\E0\0F\E1\CB\6B\87\D2\F5\24\40\C3\FC\31\B0\A4\E8\7E\91\B2\B2\B8\8B\AC"; 
    account_id_text = "a4433a95326c990f04e00fe1cb6b87d2f52440c3fc31b0a4e87e91b2b2b88bac"; principal = zkqhl-aeaaa-aaaaa-qac3a-cai
  sale = {
    broker_id = null; 
    original_broker_id = null; 
    sale_id = "5567f63d619efd0b5c0a2ec63d143f845101d218f36f7bd8b759e2fb2b1799d1"; sale_type = #auction(
        allow_list = null; 
        config = #ask(
                canister = bd3sg-teaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai; 
                decimals = 8; 
                fee = ?200_000; 
                id = null; 
                standard = #Ledger; 
                symbol = "LDG"
        current_bid_amount = 0; 
        current_broker_id = null; 
        current_escrow = null; 
        end_date = +1_686_339_835_859_481_000; 
        min_next_bid = 100_000_000; 
        participants = [
          (bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai, +1_686_336_235_859_481_000)
        start_date = +1_686_336_235_859_481_000; 
        status = #open; 
        token = #ic({
          canister = bd3sg-teaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai; 
          decimals = 8; 
          fee = ?200_000; 
          id = null; 
          standard = #Ledger; 
          symbol = "LDG"
        wait_for_quiet_count = ?0; 
        winner = null
  seller = #principal(bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai); 
  token_id = "1"

Buying upon notification

If you would like to buy the NFT upon notification, you will want to follow a two step process:

  1. Fund the Escrow
  2. Make a bid

Assuming that the canister being notified is the buyer, the account needed to escrow funds is included in the notification.

Warning: Only the notified canister will have the ability to claim and withdraw these funds. Do not pass this onto your users. If you would like to buy for a different principal than was notified you will need to procure the proper escrow information by querying:

 await service.sale_info_nft_origyn(#escrow_info({
  amount = 0; //Can be set ot 0
  seller = notification.seller;
  buyer = #principal(IntendedPrincipal);

Tokens should be sent to the ledger account indicated in notification.escrow_info.account(note the slight variation in terms):

    owner = notification.escrow_info.acccount.principal;
    subaccount = ?notification.escrow_info.acccount.sub_account;

Once the tokens have settled you may call a bid

  let bid = await service.sale_nft_origyn(#bid({
    broker_id = ?broker; //include your broker_id to get a share of the royalty payments
    sale_id =; //sale_id you are bidding on
    escrow_receipt = { //escrow detail, can be pulled from a users balance_of_nft_origyn
      seller= #principal(notification.seller);
      buyer= #principal(Principal.fromActor(this));
      token_id =;
      token =;
      amount =}})); //amount of the bid

This will return an ManageSaleResponse of type ManageSaleResult:

public type ManageSaleResult = Result.Result<ManageSaleResponse, OrigynError>;

public type ManageSaleResponse = {
        #end_sale : EndSaleResponse; //trx record if succesful
        #open_sale : Bool; //true if opened, false if not;
        #escrow_deposit : EscrowResponse;
        #recognize_escrow : RecognizeEscrowResponse;
        #refresh_offers : [EscrowRecord];
        #bid : BidResponse;
        #withdraw : WithdrawResponse;
        #distribute_sale : DistributeSaleResponse;
        #ask_subscribe : AskSubscribeResponse;

public type BidResponse = TransactionRecord;

public type TransactionRecord = {
        token_id: Text;
        index: Nat;
        txn_type: {
            #auction_bid : {
                buyer: Account;
                amount: Nat;
                token: TokenSpec;
                sale_id: Text;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #mint : {
                from: Account;
                to: Account;
                //nyi: metadata hash
                sale: ?{token: TokenSpec;
                    amount: Nat; //Nat to support cycles
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #sale_ended : {
                seller: Account;
                buyer: Account;
                token: TokenSpec;
                sale_id: ?Text;
                amount: Nat;//Nat to support cycles
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #royalty_paid : {
                seller: Account;
                buyer: Account;
                receiver: Account;
                tag: Text;
                token: TokenSpec;
                sale_id: ?Text;
                amount: Nat;//Nat to support cycles
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #sale_opened : {
                pricing: PricingConfigShared;
                sale_id: Text;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #owner_transfer : {
                from: Account;
                to: Account;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #escrow_deposit : {
                seller: Account;
                buyer: Account;
                token: TokenSpec;
                token_id: Text;
                amount: Nat;//Nat to support cycles
                trx_id: TransactionID;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #escrow_withdraw : {
                seller: Account;
                buyer: Account;
                token: TokenSpec;
                token_id: Text;
                amount: Nat;//Nat to support cycles
                fee: Nat;
                trx_id: TransactionID;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #deposit_withdraw : {
                buyer: Account;
                token: TokenSpec;
                amount: Nat;//Nat to support cycles
                fee: Nat;
                trx_id: TransactionID;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #sale_withdraw : {
                seller: Account;
                buyer: Account;
                token: TokenSpec;
                token_id: Text;
                amount: Nat; //Nat to support cycles
                fee: Nat;
                trx_id: TransactionID;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #canister_owner_updated : {
                owner: Principal;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #canister_managers_updated : {
                managers: [Principal];
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #canister_network_updated : {
                network: Principal;
                extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #data : {
              data_dapp: ?Text;
              data_path: ?Text;
              hash: ?[Nat8];
              extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            }; //nyi
            #burn: {
              from: ?Account;
              extensible: CandyTypes.CandyShared;
            #extensible : CandyTypes.CandyShared;

        timestamp: Int;

    public type OrigynError = {
        number : Nat32;
        text : Text;
        error : Errors;
        flag_point : Text;

    public type Errors = {