With the help of this guide, you will be able to configure the Beckn Protocol Server to work in different modes.
BAP Mode:
Beckn Application Platform (BAP) acquire consumers and place orders. The Beckn Protocol Server in BAP Mode helps the Application to be a part of the network as BAP.BPP Mode:
Beckn Protocol Platform (BPP) acquire orders and fulfils them. The Beckn Protocol Server in BPP Mode helps the Application to be a part of the network as BPP.
Client-Side Gateway:
The Client-Side Gateway is a gateway that is used by the Application to communicate with the Beckn Protocol Server.Network-Side Gateway:
The Network-Side Gateway is a gateway that is used by the Beckn Protocol Server to communicate with the Beckn Network.
The whole configuration is broadly divided into three five sections:
Server Configuration:
This section contains the HTTP server configuration for the protocol server.Cache Configuration:
This section contains the cache configuration for the protocol server.Response Cache Configuration:
This section contains the response cache configuration for the protocol server. It is an optional section.Client Configuration:
This section contains the client configuration for the protocol server. The mode of communication between the server is defined in this section.Application Configuration:
This section contains the application configuration for the protocol server. The mode of the protocol server and the participant details are configured in this section.
This section contains the HTTP server configuration for the protocol server. The HTTP server is used to communicate with the Beckn Network. In order to configure the HTTP server, the following parameters are required:
- Port: The port on which the HTTP server will be listening for the incoming requests. Example: port: 8000
port: 5001
This section contains the cache configuration for the protocol server. The cache is used to store the request details and the registry lookup responses from the Beckn Network. In order to configure the cache, the following parameters are required:
- host: The hostname of the cache server.
Example: host: - port: The port on which the cache server is listening.
Example: port: 6379 - ttl: The time to live of the cache. It needs to be in ISO Duration format.
Example: ttl: "PT10M" - db: The database of the cache. It’s a number that is by default set to 0.
Example: db: 0
In this case db 51 will be used for lookup cache and db 52 will be used for request cache.
host: ""
port: 6379
ttl: "PT10M"
db: 1
This section contains the response cache configuration for the protocol server. The response cache is used to store the responses from the Beckn Network. In order to configure the response cache, the following parameters are required:
- mongoURL: The URL of the MongoDB server with the database name.
mongoURL: "mongodb://:@:/?authSource=admin" - ttl: The time to live of the cache. It needs to be in ISO Duration format.
Example: ttl: "PT10M"
mongoURL: "mongodb://tvast:password@"
ttl: "PT10M"
This section contains the client configuration for the protocol server. The Beckn Protocol Server provides two modes of communication between the server and the client.
This mode is used when the client wants the responses for the respective request in the same session. That is, the responses from the Beckn network will be sent as a response to the request that was sent to the Client Side Protocol Server.
As Beckn network is completely asynchronous, this mode enables developers who face difficulty in developing asynchronous mechanisms in their app.Webhook:
This mode is used when the client expects the responses as callbacks for the respective request.
NOTE: Do not use both the modes at the same time. The client will receive the responses in the same session only if the synchronous mode is enabled. If the synchronous mode is disabled, the client will receive the responses as callbacks.
In the case of BAP Mode, all the requests from the client are sent to the Beckn Network and the responses are returned to the client in the same session. Completely synchronous API calls are made from the Client-Side Application and the responses are returned to the Client-Side Application. For Synchronous Mode the Beckn Protocol Server requires Mongo DB for caching. The following parameters are required:
mongoURL: The URL of the MongoDB server with the database name.
Example: mongoURL: "mongodb://:@:/?authSource=admin"
mongoURL: "mongodb://tvast:password@"
This section contains the webhook configuration for the protocol server. Webhooks are used to communicate with the Beckn Network. In order to configure the webhooks, the following parameters are required:
url: The URL of the webhook. All the requests and responses from the Beckn Network are sent to the webhook configured in this URL.
Example: url: "https://webhook.site/4f7e1b7a-1b1a-4b1a-8b1a-4f7e1b7a1b1a"
client: webhook: url: "https://webhook.site/4f7e1b7a-1b1a-4b1a-8b1a-4f7e1b7a1b1a"
This section contains the application configuration for the protocol server. This is a very important section as it configures the whole protocol server’s application behaviour.
The four modes are as follows:
- Client-Side Gateway for BAP
- Client-Side Gateway for BPP
- Network-Side Gateway for BAP
- Network-Side Gateway for BPP
Configuration of the application mode is required to be configured in the following parameters:
mode: The mode of the adaptor. It can be either bap or bpp.
mode: bap
gateway: The mode of the gateway. It can be either client or network. gateway.
mode: client
The protocol server gateway communication configuration is required to be configured in the following parameters:
mode: The mode of the adaptor. It can be either client or network.
mode: client
inbox-queue: The name of the inbox queue. The client-side gateway will be listening to the inbox-queue and will receive the requests or responses from the network-side gateway.
inbox-queue: "inbox"
outbox-queue: The name of the outbox queue. The network-side gateway will be listening to the outbox-queue and will receive the requests or responses from the client-side gateway.
outbox-queue: "outbox"
mode: client
inboxQueue: "inbox"
outboxQueue: "outbox"
amqpURL: "amqp://tvast:password@"
The Beckn Protocol Server provides a set of actions that are divided into two categories:
Request Actions: These are the actions that are used to send requests to the Beckn Network.
Response Actions: These are the actions that are used to send responses to the Beckn Network.
Configuration of actions is done in two sections one for requests and one for responses.
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
In order to communicate with the Beckn Network, the Beckn Protocol Server needs to know the details of the network participant. The following parameters are required:
privateKey: The private key of the network participant.
Example: privateKey: "privateKey"
publicKey: The public key of the network participant.
Example: publicKey: "publicKey"
subscriberId: The subscriber ID of the network participant.
Example: subscriberId: "subscriberId"
subscriberUri: The subscriber URI of the network participant.
Example: subscriberUri: "subscriberUri"
registryUrl: The registry URL of the Beckn Network.
Example: registryUrl: "registryUrl"
auth: The authentication flag. Used to enable or disable the authentication.
Example: auth: true
uniqueKey: The unique key of the network participant.
Example: uniqueKey: "uniqueKey"
city: The city of the network participant.
Example: city: "std:080"
country: The country of the network participant.
Example: country: "IND"
httpTimeout: The timeout for the HTTP request.
Example: httpTimeout: "PT10S"
httpRetryCount: The number of retries for the HTTP request.
Example: httpRetryCount: 3
# Mandatory.
privateKey: "XFTFiwrWZ9ckVD0rJ16/CfeYF+2qSPaMswNRKiXKBYKJswXFoxs7cIvZ5fF+1dwK6XvjQQi0OQm9qPzsSD6+/Q=="
publicKey: "ibMFxaMbO3CL2eXxftXcCul740EItDkJvaj87Eg+vv0="
# Mandatory.
subscriberId: "bap.ps.tvast.in"
subscriberUri: "https://bap.ps.tvast.in/"
# Mandatory.
registryUrl: https://registry.becknprotocol.io/subscribers
auth: true
uniqueKey: "bap.ps.tvast.in-key"
# Mandatory.
city: "std:080"
country: "IND"
# Mandatory.
ttl: "PT10M"
# Mandatory.
httpTimeout: "PT3S"
httpRetryCount: 2
# Mandatory.
mode: bap
# Two types of gateway mode present.
# client and network.
mode: client
inboxQueue: "inbox"
outboxQueue: "outbox"
amqpURL: "amqp://tvast:password@"
# Mandatory.
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
ttl: "PT10S"
# Mandatory.
privateKey: "XFTFiwrWZ9ckVD0rJ16/CfeYF+2qSPaMswNRKiXKBYKJswXFoxs7cIvZ5fF+1dwK6XvjQQi0OQm9qPzsSD6+/Q=="
publicKey: "ibMFxaMbO3CL2eXxftXcCul740EItDkJvaj87Eg+vv0="
# Mandatory.
subscriberId: "bap.ps.tvast.in"
subscriberUri: "https://bap.ps.tvast.in/"
# Mandatory.
registryUrl: https://registry.becknprotocol.io/subscribers
auth: true
uniqueKey: "bap.ps.tvast.in-key"
# Mandatory.
city: "std:080"
country: "IND"
# Mandatory.
ttl: "PT10M"
# Mandatory.
httpTimeout: "PT3S"
httpRetryCount: 2
Docker Hub Repository: Link
The Config file (i.e. default.yaml) is the same as mentioned above. Create a default.yaml file and mount it to the container.
Mounting to the container:
# Volume created for config file
- ./config:/usr/src/app/config
# Volume created to store logs
- ./logs:/usr/src/app/logs
# Volume created to load other network schemas
- ./schemas:/usr/src/app/schemas
As seen above, the first volume is used to mount the config file. The second volume is used to store the logs. The third volume is used to load other network schemas.
Another Image can be created using the Docker Image as the base image.
NOTE: While using Docker, run the app on port 3056 as the container exposes only port number 3056 for communication. This port can then be mapped to any other port on the server.