- Go to https://www.steampowered.com/ and press Install Steam in the upper right hand corner of your screen, choose save or run
- Run the installer and complete the basic installation
- Login to Steam
- Open Windows 10 Task Manager disable Steam from automatic Startup.
- Open steam settings
- Go to In-Game and uncheck the following:
- Enable the steam overlay while in-game
- Use the Big Picture ...
- Use Desktop Game Theatre ...
- Go to In-home Streaming and uncheck Enable Streaming
- Go to Cloud and uncheck all options, this will eliminate any old configs getting loaded from the cloud should they be interfering.
- Go to Broadcasting and disable broadcasting
- Go to Shader Pre-Caching and disable the feature
- Go to In-Game and uncheck the following:
- Press OK to save all your changes.
- Install your games
- For each game right click and go to properties, on the General tab choose Forced-off for Steam Input Per-Game Setting
- Close Steam fully by right clicking the icon in your taskbar and choosing Exit
- Right-click the icon on your desktop and add the following option
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -no-browser
- https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options#Steam_.28Windows.29
- This will prevent steam chrome based steamwebhelper.exe processes from spawning but will also disable the new Friends UI and some web services. These have been known to cause interference.
- Going forward you will manually launch Steam from your desktop shortcut which has the customized launch option.