EDIT: I'm dumb. git log --first-parent --date-order --reverse --abbrev-commit
does everything you want and more. Leaving this public so no one makes the same mistake
A very silly tool that takes the current HEAD pointer and prints the commit history in reverse order (first to last). I use this with VSCode to see the story of a repository
Grab the commit history of a repo and log it to a file
go run main.go --repo https://github.com/hashicorp/consul > consul-hist.log
Print the abbreviated commits from n to m. i.e print the first 10 commits (Or you could just open the file in a text editor).
head -n 10 consul-hist.log | tail -n +1
Go to the beginning (first commit may differ)
git checkout 0a7996bc
Walk through commits one by one
git checkout HEAD@{1}
Go back a commit
git checkout HEAD^1
Q: Can't you do this with bash scripting? A: Probably, but I aint a masochist.