I have deployed all pods in my cluster , and i found adservice pod is crashing due to unable to pull the specified image in yaml file
==> So i have followed the below steps 1. edited the ad-service yaml file and changed image version to adservice:v0.3.4 and did a rollout restart deployment . 2. now pod is running state
Using kubectl port-forward connected to the frontend service and i found i'm able to open the UI but not able to order.
1. few pods are not running due to readiness probe and liveness probe issues. 2. i resolved the rediness and liveness probe issues changing initialdelayseconds,timeout seconds and etc (reffered few documents) and resolved those issues. 3. now all pods are running 1/1 state
Pod redis-cart also failing due to nodeSelector issue
1.i have changed kubernetes.io/hostname: test-worker-2 to kubernetes.io/hostname=**qa-cluster-worker** 2. and did a rollout restart , and pod got started running 1/1
in test folder