This playground will contain all operators available in Combine.
Xcode beta 1 didn't support using Combine in playgrounds. For this you need at least Xcode beta 2. MacOS Catalina is not required.
Credits to this repo for the list of operators
- eraseToAnyPublisher()
- eraseToAnySubject()
- assign(to:on:)
- buffer
- catch
- catch + just
- combineLatest, tryCombineLatest
- compactMap, tryCompactMap
- append, prepend
- debounce
- delay
- removeDuplicates, tryRemoveDuplicates
- handleEvents
- output(at:), output(in:)
- filter, tryFilter
- first, tryFirst
- flatMap
- switchToLatest
- replaceEmpty(with:)
- ignoreOutput()
- Publishers.Just()
- map, tryMap
- merge, tryMerge
- multicast
- receive(on:)
- reduce, tryReduce
- retry, retry(3)
- scan, tryScan
- share
- dropFirst(3)
- drop(untilOutputFrom:)
- drop(while:), tryDrop(while:)
- sink
- subscribe(on:)
- collect(3)
- last
- throttle
- timeout
- collect()
- zip
Some interesting resources regarding Combine.