OSV stand for Open Source Vulnerability database. This project is an open, precise, and distributed approach to producing and consuming vulnerability information for open source.
All advisories in this database use the OpenSSF OSV format, which was developed in collaboration with open source communities.
Lean more at osv.dev
The OSV interface is exported as root like StandardVulnerability
export interface OSV {
schema_version: string;
id: string;
modified: string;
published: string;
withdraw: string;
aliases: string[];
related: string[];
summary: string;
details: string;
severity: OSVSeverity[];
affected: OSVAffected[];
references: {
type: OSVReferenceType;
url: string;
credits: {
name: string;
contact: string[];
type: OSVCreditType;
database_specific: Record<string, any>;
Find the vulnerabilities of a given package using available OSV API parameters.
export type OSVApiParameter = {
version?: string;
package: {
name: string;
* @default npm
ecosystem?: string;
Find the vulnerabilities of a given package using the NPM spec format like packageName@version
import * as vulnera from "@nodesecure/vulnera";
const vulns = await vulnera.Database.osv.findOneBySpec(
Find the vulnerabilities of many packages using the spec format.
Return a Record where keys are equals to the provided specs.