Simplest way to integrate Mapbox maps on your prototypes; you can define size, zoom, center point and even it lets you to use the full API. Obviously you need an active internet connection to load the maps.
- Copy the
file to the ‘modules’ folder inside your Framer project - Add this line on the top
{MapboxJS, CustomMarker, Marker, animateMarker} = require 'MapboxJS'
Init the map with your accessToken
, generate it on Mapbox website, it's free. Without this, the map won't work.
myMap = new MapboxJS
accessToken: 'insertHereYourAccessToken'
String : The map's style url. (default mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9)center
Array : The inital geographical centerpoint of the map. (default [-3.703, 40.409], is Madrid) *zoom
Integer : The initial zoom level of the map. (default 13.9)size
Integer or Object : Size of the map, set width and height using { width:640, height: 480 } or use a single number to create a square. (default Screen.size)pitch
Integer : The initial pitch (tilt) of the map, measured in degrees away from the plane of the screen (0-60).bearing
Integer : The initial bearing (rotation) of the map, measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north.x
: Initial X position (default 0)y
: Initial Y position (default 0)interactive
Boolean : If false , no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners will be attached to the map, so it will not respond to interaction. (default true)
* Mapbox GL uses longitude, latitude coordinate order (as opposed to latitude, longitude) to match GeoJSON.
: Returns the layer that contains the map.mapbox
: Returns the Mapbox instance, useful to interact with the API.flyTo(point)
: Animates map to new location
Read Mapbox GL JS documentation to learn how to use the API.
Some extra elements require to load other Mapbox JS files, for example if you want to add a search box (geocoder), this example could help you.
# Latitude and Longitude points
centerPoint = [-3.70346, 40.41676]
startPoint = [-3.70773, 40.42135]
endPoint = [-3.702478, 40.41705]
# Create the map
myMap = new mapboxJS
accessToken: 'insertHereYourAccessToken'
style: 'yourCustomStyleURL'
center: centerPoint
# Create a maker using the Layer's attributes and put it into the map
simpleMarker = new Marker
map: myMap.mapbox
lngLat: endPoint
size: 20
borderRadius: 40
backgroundColor: "#FF0000"
scaleUp = new Animation simpleMarker,
size: 30
options: time: 1, curve: Bezier.ease
scaleDown = scaleUp.reverse()
scaleUp.onAnimationEnd -> scaleDown.start()
scaleDown.onAnimationEnd -> scaleUp.start()
customMarker = new CustomMarker
map: myMap.mapbox
lngLat: startPoint
element: targetName # Target must be a frame
route = new PaintRoute
id: 'route-1' # Must be a unique name
map: myMap.mapbox
start: startPoint
end: endPoint
layout: { 'line-cap': 'round' }
paint: { 'line-width': 2, 'line-color': '#FF0000', "line-dasharray": [1, 2, 0]}
Read more about now to use the layout
and paint
animateMarker(customMarker, endPoint, 0.01)
# use build3D method on mapobject load, mind that bearing, hash and pitch should be set at mapbox initialization
myMap = new MapboxJS
accessToken: mapboxToken
style: styles.light
zoom: 12
center: originPoint
pitch: 45,
bearing: -17.6,
hash: true
myMap.mapbox.on 'load', ->
You can find us on Twitter @NocheVolta, @mamezito
Inspirated on this project made by John Sherwin.
This project is not realted to the Mapbox company.