AppScript code has been included in the Google Sheets folder. This code can be used in Google Sheets to automate things.
I've included one JavaScript UserScript in the Tampermonkey folder which is the example shown in the Newspaper Article.
This is an example for beginners to use as a baseline to build off. Find an installation guide on how to get started and more.
Code Editor (IDE) such as Pycharm Community or VSCode
Python3.10 or newer
Py-Cord or (Install using CMD / Terminal)
Create a new Discord Application IMG
- Go to the Bot tab, and enable: Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, Message Content Intent and Save Changes IMG
- Then click 'Reset Token' which will generate a bot Token, copy this into a notepad for now - Do not share your Bot Token with ANYONE
- Download the Bot Files
- Unzip the folder and open in your IDE of choice
- Paste your Bot Token & API Key inside quotations inside the
file - Using terminal, navigate to the folder and execute the bot script
(python3, py, py3
- Alternatively, you can run the file by double clicking on Windows
- For Python support, use LearnPython, W3Schools, ChatGPT, Python Discord, or message me on Torn
- You can use the Pycord API Reference for Pycord help, they also have a Discord Server
- For Torn API Support, use the Community made TornAPI Documentation or the TornAPI Discord
- I'd recommend self hosting, whether that be on your own computer, or by renting out a linux server for a few $$ a month.
- I personally use Hetzner and host my own bots by creating servers with them
- I use GNU Screen with MySQL and MongoDB Databases for persistent storage