This repo has some usefull links to websites for topics, please fork, add and generate a pull-request to join the party:tada::smirk:
Once you visit the link, to venture into more links related to that subject/instructor/university play around with the link ,i.e change the link hierarchy
eg: to to see other courses of the faculty.
- Please maintain the heirarchy
- Incase you think you have to add a new category please do so in respective heirarchy
- You may add a line or two for links discription.
- If you feel a course link is outdated please
CUT IT DOWNdon't remove it.
- Design, Systems and Thinking
- Computer Systems Courses
- Networks, Security and Cryptography
- Computer Graphics and Design
- AI and ML
- Data Science and Analytics
- Computer Vision and Image Processing
- CS In Applied Sciences
- Theoretical Computer Science Courses
- Programming
- Math
- Miscellaneous
- Introduction-to-engineering-systems-spring-2011
- 16-842 fundamentals-of-systems-engineering
- multidisciplinary-system-design-optimization-spring-2010
- system-design-and-analysis-based-on-ad-and-complexity-theories-spring-2005
- multivariable-control-systems-spring-2004
- 204-computer-algorithms-in-systems-engineering-spring-2010
- systems-optimization-models-and-computation-sma-5223-spring-2004
- 20-181-computation-for-biological-engineers-fall-2006
- engineering-apollo-the-moon-project-as-a-complex-system-spring-2007
- sol online - blog with different discussions on systems
- Engineering-innovation-and-design-fall-2012
- 4-580 inquiry-into-computation-and-design fall-2006
- 4-500-introduction-to-design-computing-fall-2008
- seminar-on-health-care-systems-innovation-fall-2010
- organizing-for-innovative-product-development-spring-2007
- 15-320-strategic-organizational-design-spring-2011
- workshop-in-it-collaborative-innovation-networks
- managing-the-innovation-process
- civic-media-codesign-studio
- development-of-inventions-and-creative-ideas-spring 10.designing-and-sustaining-technology-innovation-for-global-health-practice
- fintech-shaping-the-financial-world-spring-2020
- dynamic-leadership-using-improvisation-in-business
- darwin-and-design-fall-2010
- Design Thinking for learning and leading
- experimental-projects-i-spring-2003
- introduction-to-lean-six-sigma-methods-january-iap-2012
- modeling-and-assessment-for-policy-spring-2013
- language-and-mind-january-iap-2003
- introduction-to-design-inquiry-fall-2004
- Design Desciplin
- cynefin - Naturalising Sense-Making wiki
- Innovators Compass
- Ideo
- CMU Introduction to Computer Systems
- NAND to Tetris
- One awesome course that gives you a taste of everything.
- Introduction to Computer Science Scientific Perspective
- 6.375 MIT Complex Digital Systems
- Stresses on Bluespec System Verilog!
- CPE 779: Advanced Computer Arithmetic
- 6.111 MIT Introductary Digital Systems Lab
- EE108 Stanford Digital Systems 2
- CSE352 Washington Hardware Design and Implementation
- More x86 and cheat sheets:
UT Arlington Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
- Has a lot of ARM related stuff
LMU Computer System Organization
- Good material on assembly programming with x86
- CSE 4840 Columbia Embedded System Design
- Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C
- 15-348 CMU Embedded Systems
- 18-642 CMU Embedded System Software Engineering
Eth-Zurich CMU Onur Mutlu SAFARI
- Contains all the great content one needs to learn computer architecture, memory systems parallel computer architecture ...
High-Performance Computer Architecture
- Was confused where to group this!
UCB CS152 Computer Architecture and Engineering CS252 Graduate Computer Architecture
- Has other systems related courses too.
- ECE636 UMASS Reconfigurable Computing
- 18-643 CMU Reconfigurable Computing
- CS294-3 UCB Reconfigurable Computing
- 15-828/18-847 CMU
- ECE 338: UCMB Intermediate Logic Design
- Stresses on VHDL
- ECE 522: UCMB Hardware/Sofware Codesign with FPGAs
- ECE 595: UCMB Advanced VLSI Design
- CSE567 Washington Digital Systems Design
- Xilinx Vitis Workshop
- PYNQ Workshop
- Beyond Circuits: Thoughts on logic design that goes beyond circuits.
- A good set of vivado tutorials for different boards
- FPGA Tutorials Using ZedBoard
- Digilent Tutorials for a lot of boards!
- Harald's Embedded Electronics
- A forum for embedded geeks!
- Vitis HLS design Flow
- 21 days of RTL
- A great course to get you going in RTL related stuff
- Ramon Heras HLS blog
- 6.828 MIT Operating Systems Engineering
- Do check out other years of this course.
- CS140: Stanford Operating Systems
- CS240: Stanford Advanced Topics in Operating Systems
- 15-410 CMU Operating System Design and Implementation
- 15-412 CMU Operating Systems Practicum
- 15-712 CMU Advanced and Distributed Operating Systems
- CS-162 UCB Operating Systems and System Programming
- David Culler(FA19) version has very good material too.
- CS3500 IIT Madras Operating Systems
- 2015 version of the course has extra topics.
- Many But Finite
- An awesome blog which give great details on some Systems topics
- Systems Programming
- Operating Systems Course Notes
- CS194-24 UCB Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation
- intermezzOS
- Learning operating systems by building a hobby OS, its really fun! #RUST
- Dead Lock Empire
- A fun Deadlock and synchronization game
- A high order virtual machine project that does things in an instant!! literally :P
- Linux Kernel Development Setup
- A COMPLETE(I think!) Guide to linux Kernel Development A-Z
- FSU COP5641 Linux Kernel & Device Driver Programming
- EEE G547 BITS Pilani Device Drivers
- Embetronics
- A tutorial set for linux device drivers
- CS440 University of Otago Advanced Operating Systems
- Seemed to be more on the device drivers side hence the placement here...!
- Linux Systems Topics
- 15-440 CMU Distributed Systems
- CS262B UCB Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
- CS262A UCB Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
- CS 421/521: Yale Compilers and Interpreters
- CS 411 CMU Compiler Design
- CS3300 IIT Madras Compiler Design
- CS6013 Moder Compilers Theory and Practice
- CS 15-745 CMU Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures
- CS15-418 CMU Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
- CS267 UCB Applications of Parallel Computers
- 263-2800-00L EthZ Design of Parallel and High-Performance Computing
- COMS 4130 Columia University Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
- GeorgiaTech HPC Course
- CSi-493.65 Hunter College Parallel Computing
- Texas Parallel Programming in OpenMP and MPI
- MPI Tutorials
- CUDA Workshop
- CS 6868 IIT Madras Concurrent Programming
- CS 6023 IIT Madras GPU Programming -Dr.Rupesh Nasre Version
- CS 179 CalTech GPU Programming
- UNIFI GPU Programming Course
- Existing University Courses on CUDA
- 6.189 MIT Multicore Programming Primer
- Udacity - Intro to Parallel Programming (CUDA) by Nvidia
- 15-859BB CMU Quantum Computation and Quantum Information -Another Version
- CS 269Q Stanford Quantum Computer Programming
- 219 CalTech Quantum Computation
- CS294-66 UCB Quantum Computation
- Mathematical Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
- 2.111 MIT Quantum Computation -Another Version -Peter Shor Version
- ETHZ Quantum Systems for Information Technology
- QC University of Cambridge
- CMSC/PHYS 457 UMD Introduction to Quantum Computing -Mini-Library on Quantum Information and Computation
- IIT KGP QC seminar
- Quantum Computing Hands on using Qiskit and IBM QC
- IBM lecture notes
- CS6886 IIT Madras Systems Engineering for Deep Learning
- UCB AI Sys
- Machine Learning Systems
- CS217 Stanford Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning
- Hardware Times
- Anand Tech
- Nvidia Developer Blog
- AMD Developer
- Wiki Chip
- OLCF Training Archive
- IBM Developer
- Qualcomm Developer Tutorials
- 15-441/641 CMU Computer Networks
- CS 144 Stanford
- CS244 CMU Advanced Topics in Networking
- CSEE 4119 Columbia An Introduction to Computer Networks
- CS4995-03 Columbia Internet Systems Programming
- COMS 6181 Columbia Advanced Internet Services
- COS 461 Princeton Computer Networks
- COS-561 Princeton Advanced Computer Networks
- COS-597E Princeton Software Defined Networking
- High Performance Browser Networking
- CS6570 IIT Madras Secure Systems Engineering
- CS6500 IIT Madras Network Security
- 18731 CMU Network Security
- COMS E6183 Columbia Advanced Topics in Network Security
- 15/18-330 CMU Introduction to Computer Security
- COMS W4181 Columbia Security 1
- COMS W4187 Columbia Security Architecture & Engineering
- COMS W4995 Columbia Secure Software Development: Theory and Practice
- COMS E6184 Columbia Anonymity and Privacy
- Webgl-Month
- Webgl Fundamentals
- Graphics CMU
- Complete Graphics Course set CMU
- CS348K Stanford Visual Computing Systems
- a nice fusion of Graphics and Vision
- Comprehensive Paper Collection/Resources
1.CS229 Stanford Machine Learning - Cheat Sheet by Andrew
- CS325B Stanford Data for Sustainable Development
- CS325 Stanford Topics in Computational Sustainability
- CS230 Stanford Deep Learning
- MIT Deep Learning
- 11-785 CMU Introduction to Deep Learning
- CS236781 Technion Deep Learning
- CSC 421/2516 Toronto Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- CS236 Stanford Deep Generative Models
- 95-791 CMU Data Mining
- VBM684 Hacettepe University Data Mining
- CS246 Stanford Mining Massive Data Sets
- CS412 Illinois An Introduction to Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- CS512 Illinois Principles and Algorithms"
- STA 325 Duke Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Statistical Inference in DataSciene
- Uses R and Tidyverse
- CS131 Stanford Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications
- CS231B Stanford The Cutting Edge of Computer Vision
- CS 331: Advanced Reading in Computer Vision
- Vision Stanford
- Contains all the course links wrt vision by stanford including some of the above ones(may be old links here!)
- CS4495-OMS GeorgiaTech Computer Vision
- Computer Vision IIT Madras
- MIT Introduction to Algorithms
- CS15-210 CMU Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms
- Problem Solving Via Object-Oriented Programming
- although seems to be OOPs course has good content wrt Algorithms and Data Structures
- CS261 Stanford A Second Course in Algorithms
- UChicago Algorithms
- CMU Graph Theory
- COMS 4203 Columbia Graph Theory
- MIT 18.217 Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics
- CS267 Stanford Graph Algorithms
- MIT 6.890 Algorithms for Graphs and Matrices
- CS 97SI: Introduction to Programming Contests
- 6.370 MIT The Battle Code Programming Competition
- Learn Programming by making an AI game!!
- 6.S095 MIT Programming for the Puzzled
- CMU CS Academy: CS 0
- 15-295 CMU Competition Programming and Problem Solving
- CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
- CS106A Stanford Programming Methodology
- ETH-Zurich Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
- ETH-Zurich Program Verification
- A good course on software verification
- Awesome Competitive Programming
- A 11 year experience of Competitive Programming.
- Learn X in Y minutes
- awesome all in one intro to different languages.
- Exercism
- ETHZ How to Write Fast Numerical Code
- 15-123 CMU Effective Programming in C and Unix
- 6.827 Multithreaded Parallelism: Languages and Compilers Fall-2006
- VLSI System Design
- A great course on Verilog, you can always use google translate for the contents page!
- FPGA Student
- A good place for HDL Projects
- CS240H Stanford Functional Systems in Haskell
CS54N Stanford Great Ideas In Computer Science
- A nice course revisiting the greats and their ideas in computer science.
- List of CS courses with respective course websites for each quarter
- Smart computing courses
University of Southern California
- Its full archive of many courses(mostly before 2010)
CS61 UCB Great Ideas In Computer Architecture
- A nice course about computer architecture milestones.
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- An excellent short course on what every cs student should know!
Latex sources
GRE Blogs/Youtube Channels
Internship Information Links and other stuff
Random Blogs
Stack Overflow Answers that might be useful