Image processing application that has provides an intuitive UI to
- Frontend : Angular ( TypeScript )
- Backend : Java, C++, Springboot , Maven ( dependency manager for Springboot )
- Linking : JNI
You need to have the following prerequisites :-
- git
- gcc 11.4.0^
- openjdk^
- node v18.16.0^
- idea intellij ( other IDEs would have to build the project accordingly )
Open terminal and run the following command.
$ git clone
$ cd P2-2023-Project
$ npm i
$ cd ImageApplicationFrontend/
$ npm i && npm run start
- Open intellij
- Go to main menu
- open project structure
- go to modules / Drive Project
- make 2 folders as aource :- src/main/java and Libraries
$ cd ImageEffectBackend/Libraries
$ make clean && make
All effects have use a clamp() is used to clamp (adjust overflows of ) a value within a range of 0 - 255.
- add_to_color : amount to add to each pixel based on the brightness level
- loops through each pixel of input image and add the calculated value to each of them.
- For each pixel, apply the contrast formula to each of r,g,b of current pixel.
image[i][j].r = (image[i][j].r - 128 ) * contrast_value + 128
Flips whichever of flip_value ( horizontal_flip_value / verticle_flip) is true by
Horizontal_flip logic :-
Pixel p = inputImage[i][j];
inputImage[i][j] = inputImage[i][inputImage[0].size() - j - 1];
inputImage[i][inputImage[0].size() - j - 1] = p;
- Verical_flip logic :-
Pixel p = inputImage[i][j];
inputImage[i][j] = inputImage[inputImage.size() - i - 1][j];
inputImage[inputImage.size() - i - 1][j] = p;
Generating a Gaussian Matrix of a specified size which depends on the blur radius
and we are convolving this matrix with pixel matrix. -
Functions used
- getKernalSize() :- function is used to get the size of the kernal from the
gaussian blur radius - generateCoordinate() :- used to write the coordinates of the gaussian matrix in terms of the image matrix
- generateKernal() :- this function generates the gaussian blur matrix
- K() :- used to calculate the each cell
- calculateConvolution() :- used to convolve the matrices
- getKernalSize() :- function is used to get the size of the kernal from the
- For each pixel, apply the grey_scale formula to each of r,g,b of current pixel.
float grey_scaled_value = sqrt( ( fR * fR + fG * fG + fB * fB) / 3 )
- For each pixel, apply the grey_scale formula to each of r,g,b of current pixel.
image[i][j].r = 255 - image[i][j].r
- For each pixel, apply the sepia formula to each of r,g,b of current pixel.
image[i][j].r = image[i][j].r * 0.393 + image[i][j].g * 0.769 + image[i][j].b * 0.189
- EFFECTS folder Gassian Blur effect implements
- GaussianBlurEffect implements SingleValueParameterisableEffect
- InvertEffect implements PhotoEffect
- SepiaEffect implements PhotoEffect
- GreyScaleEffect implements PhotoEffect
- RotationEffect implements SingleValueDiscreteEffect
- HueSaturation implements ParameterizableEffect
- Flip implements DiscreteEffect
- SharpenEffect implements SingleValueParameterisableEffect
- BrightnessEffect implements SingleValueParameterisableEffect
- ContrastEffect implements SingleValueParameterisableEffect
All the expections were handled in PhotoEffectsServices |
- Implemented
- Filter by Effects
- Filter by date and time
- Functions used
getAllLogs() :- returns list of all Logs addLogs() :- add a log to a text file in Backend filterByEffect() :- filter logs by effects given from front end filterByTimestamp() :- filter logs by effects given from front end
- addlogs() getlogbyEffect() getAllLog()
- front end Date and Time
- Wrapper Class
- Debugging
- Sharpen
- Gaussian Blur
- Integrate
- Exception Handling
- Inversion
- Flip
- getLogBetween
- Git and
- Dominant Color
- Sepia
- Contrast
- Rotation
- Greyscale
- Brightness