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deep is a tiny library for queuing and executing actions in sequence.
This functionality can be used in multiple ways, one of which is for LÖVE, where you can use the Z axis when drawing. It mimics a simple scene-graph that performs drawing in order.
Place deep.lua
inside your project and require it:
deep = require "deep"
deep.queue(3, print, "wound!")
deep.queue(1, print, "It's just")
deep.queue(2, print, "a flesh")
It's just
a flesh
Queues a function for execution at index i
deep.queue(100, print, "Hello")
-- or
deep.queue(100, function() print("Hello") end)
- The index of the action, must be positive.fun
- An anonymous or named function...
- The arguments of the passed named function
With anonymous functions:
deep.queue(30, function() hit(iron, 100) end)
With named functions:
deep.queue(30, hit, iron, 100)
With multiple functions:
deep.queue(30, function() hit(iron, 100) strike(steel, 200) end)
Executes all of the queued actions
-- Will execute the actions in random order
deep.queue(math.random(10), print, "'Tis")
deep.queue(math.random(10), print, "but")
deep.queue(math.random(10), print, "a")
deep.queue(math.random(10), print, "scratch!")
Deep can be effectively used with any 2D graphics framework in lua to help with the drawing process.
For example, with LÖVE, one could add layers or a full isometric / 2.5D
drawing process to the framework:
To achieve this, you could do the following:
local deep = require "deep"
-- The z index of the red cube
local current_z = 1
-- Draws a horizontal line at passed y coordinate
local function draw_rectangle(y)
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) -- Set color to white
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 200, y, 300, 10) -- Draw thin rectangle
function love.draw()
-- Queue the three horizontal lines
deep.queue(2, draw_rectangle, 60)
deep.queue(3, draw_rectangle, 80)
deep.queue(4, draw_rectangle, 100)
-- Red square, which can move through z axis
deep.queue(current_z, function()
love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0) -- Set color to red
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 300, 40, 80, 80)
-- Draw everything in the queue
-- Increases/decreases red square z on key press
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == "up" then
current_z = current_z + 1
elseif key == "down" then
current_z = current_z - 1
The example files have small demos of how deep's different functions should be used. You should at
least look at the README.md
of each example to see what deep can do. If you intend to use deep, I
highly recommend you read some of the code as well.
Here's what example0 does:
You can also check out a small jam game I made with deep: https://github.com/nikaoto/shamen