This Selenium test automation project aims to ensure the functionality and reliability of the OpenMRS application through automated testing. The tests are written in Java using TestNG as the testing framework, along with logging capabilities implemented using Logger and Selenium WebDriver for browser automation.
- Validates the display of warning messages for incorrect login attempts.
- Verifies the user's ability to navigate through login error scenarios.
- Tests the successful login process, including valid credentials and location selection.
- Tests the logout functionality ensuring security and proper redirection after logout.
- Tests the patient registration process, including data entry and confirmation.
- Tests the accessibility and functionality of the My Account settings.
- Tests the ability to search for patients and access their information.
- Tests the process of deleting patient records from the system.
- Ensures the accuracy of patient listing functionality.
- Tests the merging of patient records for efficient management.
- Validates the display of error messages related to system timezone settings during appointment scheduling.
- Language: Java
- Testing Framework: TestNG
- Logging: Logger
- Browser Automation: Selenium WebDriver
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Ensure you have Java JDK installed.
- Set up your preferred Java IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse).
- Install TestNG plugin for your IDE.
- Import the project into your IDE.
- Download Selenium WebDriver for your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and ensure the WebDriver executable is in the system PATH.
- Run the tests using TestNG test runner.
- View test results in the IDE or log files generated by Logger.
- Tests can be executed individually or collectively based on user story requirements.
- Ensure proper setup and configuration before executing tests.
- Review test results and log files for any failures or errors.
- NigarAylaOzcanan - (
- Onur Girgin - (
- Beyzanur - (
- Ahmet - (
- Faruk - (