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Research Track 2

The assignment is divided in three parts:

  • Creating a full documentation using Sphinx or Doxygen for the RT1 II assignment code.
  • Write a Jupyter file that represents these goals:
    • Some buttons for handling the motion of the robot in the environment;
    • A plot with the robot’s position and targets’ positions in the environment;
    • A text box with the distance of the closest obstacle (or the overall plot of the laserscanner);
    • A plot for the number of reached/not-reached targets
  • Write a report, about the RT1 I assignment code, composed of:
    • Hypotheses made;
    • Description and motivation of the experimental setup;
    • Results;
    • Discussion of the results with statistical analysis;
    • Conclusion

First Task

In this part of the work, after installing Sphinx and ReadTheDocs theme, I just commented the codes of the Research Track 1 II Assignment, and the page with all the documentation was created.

Second Task

After installing Jupyter Notebook, remember that we reference to the II° assignment of Research Track 1


We need to load jupyter cells so at the beginning we import everything we need and initialize the data

# import ros and jupyter stuff
import rospy
import actionlib
import actionlib.msg
import sys, select
import assignment_2_2022.msg
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from assignment_2_2022.msg import custom_msg
from std_srvs.srv import *
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Pose, Point

import ipywidgets as widgets
import jupyros as jr
import time
from assignment_2_2022.srv import service_goals, service_goalsRequest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import math
from IPython.display import display
%matplotlib widget

global count_goals_reached
global count_goals_canceled

# Initialization the data
count_goals_reached = 0
count_goals_canceled = 0
categories = ['Goals Reached', 'Goals Canceled']

Now we have the callback function publish_msg of the subscriber to create a custom message and to publish it on the topic /odom with the difference that there is a little part that allow us to see every 100ms the position of the robot

def publish_msg(message):
    global publisher
    global last_time_published_odom
    # Get the position and velocity
    pos_x = round(message.pose.pose.position.x, 1)
    pos_y = round(message.pose.pose.position.y, 1)
    vel_x = message.twist.twist.linear.x
    vel_y = message.twist.twist.linear.y

    # Creation of the custom message
    custom_message = custom_msg()
    custom_message.actual_x = pos_x
    custom_message.actual_y = pos_y
    custom_message.actual_vel_x = vel_x
    custom_message.actual_vel_y = vel_y
    # Publishing the custom message
    # This part is necessary to see costantly the robot position every 100ms
    current_time = time.time() * 1000
    if current_time - last_time_published_odom > 100:
        print("\rRobot position: x={}, y={}".format(pos_x, pos_y), end='')
        last_time_published_odom = current_time

Then we have 2 functions: one for the button to send the goal and another one to cancel the goal

def on_send_goal_button_clicked(b):
    # Call 'action_cliient' function
def action_client():
    global goal

    # Creation of the goal for the robot
    goal = assignment_2_2022.msg.PlanningGoal()
    goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = w_coordinate_x.value
    goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = w_coordinate_y.value

    # Send goal to the server

def on_cancel_goal_button_clicked(b):
    global goal
    # Cancel the goal
    goal = None

Obviously, we define buttons

# Widgets to give the goal coordinates
w_coordinate_x = widgets.FloatText(description='Coordinate X:', step = 0.1)
w_coordinate_y = widgets.FloatText(description='Coordinate Y:', step = 0.1)

# Button to send the goal
send_goal_button = widgets.Button(
description='Send goal to the robot',
layout = widgets.Layout(width = 'auto'))


# Button to cancel the goal
cancel_goal_button = widgets.Button(
description='Cancel goal sent to the robot',
layout = widgets.Layout(width = 'auto'))


If we want to see the distance from the closest obstacle, we create a FloatText and declare a callback to show the distance from the closest obstacle

# Create a widget to show the distance between the robot and the closest obstacle
dist_closest_ob = widgets.FloatText(description = "Distance from the closest obstacle", disabled = True)

# Function to compute the distance between the robot and the closest obstacle
def callback_closest_obstacle(scan):
    min = 50
    for x in scan.ranges: 
        if x > 0.1 and x < min:
            min = x
    dist_closest_ob.value = min 

Now we have a function that we need to take values of counters of goals reached and canceled from the service Nobe_B and these values will be used into the plot

def call_Node_B():
    # Creation of the service client to send the request for goals reached and canceled
    Node_B_serviceProxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('Node_B', service_goals)
    response = Node_B_serviceProxy(service_goalsRequest())
    return response

Furthermore we have this callback to assign the values of the counter to other 2 variables used to plot the bar chart

def goals_callback(message):
    global count_goals_reached, count_goals_canceled
    # Get the number of goals reached and canceled
    response = call_Node_B()
    count_goals_reached = response.count_reached_goals
    count_goals_canceled = response.count_canceled_goals

At this point, we have a class that plots the robot position with the goal position and the path of the robot

# Animation class used to plot the robot's position and goal's position
class PositionVisualizer:
    def __init__(self):
        # Init function
        self.fig, = plt.subplots()
        # Settings for robot's position plot
        self.ln, = plt.plot([], [], 'bo', label = 'Robot position')
        # Settings for target's position plot
        self.goal_ln, = plt.plot([], [], 'r*', markersize = 10, label = 'Goal position')
        # Robot's position data arrays
        self.x_data, self.y_data = [], []
    def plot_init(self):
        # Set axis limits, -10), -10)
        # Set the grid, color = 'lightgrey')
        # Set the title'Robot position to the goal position')
        # Set the legend = 'upper right')
        return self.ln, self.goal_ln
    def odom_callback(self, message):
        # Callback function to update the data arrays
    def update_plot(self, frame):
        # Update the robot position plot
        self.ln.set_data(self.x_data, self.y_data)

        # With this, we can delete the goal marker into the plot
        if goal is not None:
            self.goal_ln.set_data(goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y)
            self.goal_ln.set_data([], [])
        return self.ln, self.goal_ln

The last part is to inizialize the node and other entities like publisher, action client etc..

# Creation of the Interface

# Creation of the publisher
publisher = rospy.Publisher('/position_and_velocity', custom_msg, queue_size = 1)

# Creation of the subscriber for results
sub_result = rospy.Subscriber('/reaching_goal/result', assignment_2_2022.msg.PlanningActionResult, goals_callback)
# Creation of the action client
act_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/reaching_goal', assignment_2_2022.msg.PlanningAction)

# Waiting the server
# Initialization
goal = None

How to run the file

To see the robot position, run this cell

last_time_published_odom = 0
jr.subscribe('/odom', Odometry, publish_msg)

To see the distance from the closest obstacle, run this cell

jr.subscribe('/scan', LaserScan, callback_closest_obstacle)

To see the interface, run this cell

display(widgets.HBox([w_coordinate_x, w_coordinate_y]))
display(widgets.HBox([send_goal_button, cancel_goal_button]))

To see the plot of the robot position and goal position, run this cell

# Create the visualizer object
position_visualizer = PositionVisualizer()
# Subscriber for the odom topic
sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, position_visualizer.odom_callback)

# Plot
position_animation = FuncAnimation(
    init_func = position_visualizer.plot_init,
    cache_frame_data = False) = True)

To see the plot of the goals reached and canceled, run this cell where we initialize the bar chart and with update chart function we update the bar chart every time we click on the update button

# Create the initial bar chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bar_chart =, [count_goals_reached, count_goals_canceled])
ax.set_title('Goals reached and canceled')
ax.set_ylim([0, 10])

# Define the update function
def update_chart(b):
    # Update the bar chart with new values

# Create the update button
update_button = widgets.Button(description='Update Chart')

# Display the button

# Show the chart

Third Task

The last one consists of performing a statistical analysis on the first assignment of Research Track 1, considering two different implementations (mine and a solution of one of my colleagues) and testing which one performs better, when silver and golden tokens are randomly placed in the environment.

Specifically, write a report composed of:

  • Hypotheses made (null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis)
  • Description and motivation of the experimental setup (types of experiments, number of repetitions)
  • Results
  • Discussion of the results with statistical analysis
  • Conclusion (is the hypothesis proven?)


Assignment for Research Track 2






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