Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 依存句法分析 成分句法分析 语义依存分析 语义角色标注 指代消解 风格转换 语义相似度 新词发现 关键词短语提取 自动摘要 文本分类聚类 拼音简繁转换 自然语言处理
Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University
Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.
Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
该项目可以让你通过订阅的方式使用Cloudflare WARP+,自动获取流量。This project enables you to use Cloudflare WARP+ through subscription, automatically acquiring traffic.
INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客…
A Fundamental End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit and Open Source SOTA Pretrained Models, Supporting Speech Recognition, Voice Activity Detection, Text Post-processing etc.
Officially maintained, supported by PaddlePaddle, including CV, NLP, Speech, Rec, TS, big models and so on.
A tutorial and implement of disease centered Medical knowledge graph and qa system based on it。知识图谱构建,自动问答,基于kg的自动问答。以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。
Use PEFT or Full-parameter to finetune 400+ LLMs (Qwen2.5, Llama3.2, GLM4, Internlm2.5, Yi1.5, Mistral, Baichuan2, DeepSeek, ...) or 150+ MLLMs (Qwen2-VL, Qwen2-Audio, Llama3.2-Vision, Llava, Inter…
[ICLR'24 spotlight] An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.
All-in-one & Easy-to-use. Integrate all your Xiaomi Smart Home - with a single integration and NO YAML files - into Home Assistant.