There seem to be seven developers. They are referred to as dev# or just simply #.
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dev0 | dev1 | dev2 | dev3 | dev4 | dev5 | dev6 |
- Wanted to pitch Lilypad changes to Mojang (Developer preview)
- Wanted every group of chunks to feel unique, so gave them randomly generated names (Feature testing)
- Refused to tell the company name at E3, which led to the devs’ larger project getting dropped (Presentation)
- Made the Crab Nebula have some “significance” other than cosmetics (Sunrise)
- Is antagonistic toward at least one of the dev team members (Internal footage 2, Presentation)
- Has possibly been updating the versions since their release (Discovered)
- Can be seen as a name on the forums in Internal footage 2
- Recorded Internal footage 4
- Joins Orbl's Other World In Home
- Seen in Sunrise
- Proposed the Crab Nebula event with dev5 (Sunrise)
- Was the oldest person on the dev team (Sunrise)
- Is dead, confirmed in Internal Footage 4
missing, or left the team(Sunrise)
- Was on the art team (Presentation)
- Dev6 considered them to be a friend (Presentation)
- Created the OST album artwork (OST.rar)
- Is a she, confirmed by a community post:
- Recorded Feature testing and is mentioned in the description
- Was one of the last devs to join the team, worked on the site and bug tracker (Feature testing)
- Considered by dev6 to be a friend (Internal footage 3)
- Proposed the Crab Nebula event with dev2 (Sunrise)
- They composed the OST music (OST.rar, [OST_2.7z])
- Apparently lives/was born in Denmark (according to composer notes in OST_2, Denmark reminds him of "home").
- Mentioned in the description of Entry point and Version 13
- Recorded and wrote the description for Internal footage 1
- Recorded Internal footage 2
- Recorded and wrote the description for Internal footage 3
- Considered devs 4 and 3 to be his friends (internal footage 3, Presentation)
- Did not want dev0 to know of his whereabouts (Presentation)
- Knowingly broke/bent the explicit rules of the Mojang offshoot at least three times (Internal footage 1, Internal footage 2, Internal footage 3)