Unscrew the Klipper installation on the MKS-PI and MKS-SKIPR
Step 1: Right now is a good time to download/backup all your config files and any G-code files and macros you have.
Warning: All care is taken, no responsability accepted, if you FUBAR your install, you will have to reflash your drive, so refer back to step one.
Step 2: All this crap below :)
Log in via SSH, on windows, just use command propt, you dont need putty or anything else:
ssh mks@ (replace address with the correct one)
Password: makerbase
Once you have logged in, type the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Wait for it to complete, then type:
cd ~
Now the Kiauh intoface will come up, and uninstall Fluid, Klipper and Moonraker.
Once they are all removed, then exit
Type the following:
cd ~
ls -a
That will show you a list of files and folders under the user folder, so much crap installed that shouldnt really be there, not needed, but its nice to see what crap Makerbase left on the image.
Anyway, deleate everything to do with Klipper:
sudo rm -r kiauh-backups
sudo rm -r kiauh
sudo rm -r klipper
sudo rm -r .kiauh.ini
sudo rm -r moonraker
sudo rm -r moonraker-env
sudo rm -r printer_data
sudo rm -r gcode_files
sudo reboot (Probably not needed, but cant hurt)
log back into ssh after the MKS-PI reboots:
ssh mks@ (replace address with the correct one)
Password: makerbase
then type:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/th33xitus/kiauh.git
Once it completes. then type:
The Kiauh interface will load, and you can install klipper, then moonraker then Mainsail, note, due to this being and an un official OS it has an outdated version of Python, so when Kiauh asks, choose version 2.7.
Once all thats completed, you now have an un-screwed version of Klipper installed.
Upload you config files and you should be good to go