22 Random french that got interested in design in 2014, have been self-learning most since then (thanks school for not learning me stuff). Got interested in front-end developement in 2016 and in back-end developement in 2019. I worked a lot to be proud to say I'm a FullStack Developer (and MUX designer), and not a JS dev (sorry but for me Express isn't back end)
Most of my pro. repos are private but you can still check my public personal works on my orgs or here on my profile, I currently work for Wynncraft as a developer and maintainer for their web services.
I really like open-source and I kinda want to release some open-source tools in the future, but I have no time to do it for now :(.
I love back-end this is what i mainly like to use (from most used):
I also do front-end, here's what I like to use (from most used):
- Vue
- Vuetify
- TypeScript
- Less
- HTML/CSS/JS Vanilla
- jQuery
- Materialize
- Sass
- All the other techs of the world
- Bootstrap / WordPress or any other CMS (this is bottom -10000000, basically means I will never use them)
MUX is my way of designing UX, while MUX mainly affect Front-End it can also affect Back-End in data structures.
MUX only stands for animations and overall UX, it doesn't affect UI, tho MUX goes very well with Material Design. MUX Objective is to provide a fluid, natural and dynamic interaction for your user, I will probably make an example repo when I get some time cause it's kinda hard to explain MUX properly in just a few lines.
Aside back or front or anything I want to have fun with :