A command line tool that animates your exercise maps, inspired by an article by Andriy Yaremenko.
- Supports FIT, TCX, GPX files. It can also traverse into ZIP files for easy ingestion of bulk activity exports.
- Outputs GIF, animated PNG, or a ZIP file containing each frame in GIF format.
- Activities can be filtered by sport, date, distance, duration and geographic region.
- Configurable color scheme.
> rainbow-roads \
--sport running \
--after 2020-08-01 \
--min_duration 15m \
--min_distance 3km \
--max_pace 10m/km \
--bounded_by -37.8,144.9,5km \
--output lockdown_project \
Some basic statistics are output to help validate the activities that were included and to aid in further refining filters.
activity files: 9,327
100% |████████████████████████████████████████| [3s:0s]
activities: 268
records: 154,326
sports: running (268)
period: 1.6 years (2020-08-02 to 2022-02-24)
duration: 16m1s to 1h38m27s, average 46m11s, total 206h20m19s
distance: 3.0km to 16.8km, average 7.8km, total 2,102.2km
pace: 4m25s/km to 9m21s/km, average 5m53s/km
bounds: -37.8,144.9,4987.12259
starts within: -37.8,144.9,4807.96373
ends within: -37.8,144.9,4912.4696
The easiest way to find the coordinates of a known location is to right-click on it in Google Maps and select the first menu item.
Usage of rainbow-roads:
--output string optional path of the generated file (default "out")
--format format output file format string, supports gif, png, zip
--sport sports sports to include, can be specified multiple times, eg running, cycling
--after date date from which activities should be included
--before date date prior to which activities should be included
--min_duration duration shortest duration of included activities, eg 15m
--max_duration duration longest duration of included activities, eg 1h
--min_distance distance shortest distance of included activities, eg 2km
--max_distance distance greatest distance of included activities, eg 10mi
--min_pace pace slowest pace of included activities, eg 8km/h
--max_pace pace fastest pace of included activities, eg 10min/mi
--bounded_by circle region that activities must be fully contained within, eg -37.8,144.9,10km
--starts_near circle region that activities must start from, eg 51.53,-0.21,1km
--ends_near circle region that activities must end in, eg 30.06,31.22,1km
--passes_through circle region that activities must pass through, eg 40.69,-74.12,10mi
--frames uint number of animation frames (default 200)
--fps uint animation frame rate (default 20)
--width uint width of the generated image in pixels (default 500)
--colors colors CSS linear-colors inspired color scheme string, eg red,yellow,green,blue,black (default #fff,#ff8,#911,#414,#007@.5,#003)
--color_depth uint number of bits per color in the image palette (default 5)
--speed float how quickly activities should progress (default 1.25)
--loop start each activity sequentially and animate continuously
--no_watermark suppress the embedded project name and version string
- Download the latest release of rainbow-roads and extract the ZIP archive into the same directory.
- Advanced: Move the rainbow-roads.exe to a more permanent location in your path.
- Request a copy of your activity data.
- Download the ZIP file linked in the email they send. No need to extract it.
- Open the standard Command Prompt app.
- Run
cd %HOMEPATH%\Downloads
to change into the downloads directory. - Run
rainbow-roads export.zip
where export.zip is the name of the activity ZIP file you were emailed.- Advanced: Specify filter options to refine the activities included (see example usage above).
- Open "out.gif" in a browser and enjoy the show.
Simply install Go and run:
go install github.com/NathanBaulch/rainbow-roads@latest
- lucasb-eyer/go-colorful - color gradient interpolation
- schollz/progressbar - CLI progress bar
- tormoder/fit - FIT file support
- llehouerou/go-tcx - TCX file support
- tkrajina/gpxgo - GPX file support
- kettek/apng - animated PNG file support
- araddon/dateparse - permissive date parsing
- bcicen/go-units - distance unit conversion
- StephaneBunel/bresenham - GPX distance calculation
- Improve rendering with smoother anti-aliasing
- Provide option to strip time gaps in activities (pauses)
- Support generating WebM files
- Configurable dot size
- Performance improvements
- Localization