Dump Lib libUE4.so from Memory of Game Process and Generate Structure SDK of Supported Game in Android. You can Find Latest Dumped SDK from HERE
- v0.1: First Release
- v0.2: Experimental 64bit Support Added
- v0.3: Fix Object Iteration Issue during Dumping SDK, Added Support to Resolve Arrays, Sets and Maps Structure
- v0.4: 1) Expanded 64bit Support, 2) Fixed 64bit Library Rebuilding Not Working 3) Added New Elf Dump Fix for 64bit Library 4) Added Option to Dump SDK with GWorld 5) Updated Usage Text.
- v0.5: Added Support to Resolve Functions
- v0.6: 1) Added Support for UE 4.23+ Games for Strings and Objects(Use new Option: --newue) 2) Added 64bit Offsets to Fix 64bit Support 3) Updated SDK Generation Method for Faster Dumping 4) Short Options has been remove due to conflict with new options
- v0.7: Fixed Object Dumping issue for PUBG CN(As of Now Tested on GP v1.8.10.8640).
- v0.8: Fixed 64bit Support for Latest PUBG Version
- v0.9: Fixed Dumping issue with 64bit PUBG
- No need of Ptrace
- Bypass Anti Debugging
- Dumping of Lib from Memory of Game
- Fix and Regenerate So(Elf) File from Dump
- Dumping of Game Structure SDK file(Need to Find Pointers Manually)
- Support Fast Dumping(May Miss some data)
- Support SDK Dumping for UE4 Based Games
- Tested on 32bit and 64bit PUBG Mobile Series
- Use 32bit and 64bit Version on Respected Arch of Game.
- Recommend to use in Training Mode for PUBG Mobile.
- Fortnite using modified engine so SDK Dumping is Not Possible right now.
- If it stuck during Generating SDK, Then Simple Stop it, Check Dump file and If needed then Try again.
- You can Use latest precompiled Binaries from HERE or You Can build your Own.
- Needs Either Root Access or Virtual Space
- Put Executable in folder like /data/local/tmp (/sdcard not allow to execute binary so don't put it there)
- Get Either Root Shell through Adb or Terminal Apps(type and run: 'su') or Normal Shell into Virtual Space via Terminal Apps in that folder
- Give it executable permission with either 'chmod +x ue4dumper' or 'chmod 755 ue4dumper'
- Run 'ue4dumper -h' For Usage Help
./ue4dumper -h UE4Dumper v0.8 <==> Made By KMODs(kp7742) Usage: ue4dumper <option(s)> Dump Lib libUE4.so from Memory of Game Process and Generate structure SDK for UE4 Engine Tested on PUBG Mobile Series Options: --SDK Dump With GObjectArray Args-------------------------------------------------------- --sdku Dump SDK with GUObject --gname <address> GNames Pointer Address --guobj <address> GUObject Pointer Address --SDK Dump With GWorld Args-------------------------------------------------------------- --sdkw Dump SDK with GWorld --gname <address> GNames Pointer Address --gworld <address> GWorld Pointer Address --Dump Strings Args---------------------------------------------------------------------- --strings Dump Strings --gname <address> GNames Pointer Address --Dump Objects Args---------------------------------------------------------------------- --objs Dumping Object List --gname <address> GNames Pointer Address --guobj <address> GUObject Pointer Address --Lib Dump Args-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --lib Dump libUE4.so from Memory --raw(Optional) Output Raw Lib and Not Rebuild It --fast(Optional) Enable Fast Dumping(May Miss Some Bytes in Dump) --Other Args----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --newue(Optional) Run in UE 4.23+ Mode --package <packageName> Package Name of App(Default: com.tencent.ig) --output <outputPath> File Output path(Default: /sdcard) --help Display this information
- Clone this repo
- Install Android NDK, if not already.
- Open Shell/CMD in Project Folder
- Drag ndk-build from NDK in Shell or CMD and then Execute
- Output will be in libs Folder.
- SoFixer: 32bit So(Elf) Rebuilding
- elf-dump-fix: 64bit So(Elf) Rebuilding
Email: patel.kuldip91@gmail.com