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Releases: NanderTGA/msgroom-orm

Msgroom v1.1.0

12 May 21:27
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This release comes with the following changes:

  • The package now exports the Client class instead of only { default: Client }. Sorry for that mess. We now export the Client class with itself as a static property default, so your code shouldn't break.
  • You can now block users! For more information, refer to the readme.
  • We now have a client.disconnect() method.
  • The bot will now tell the user the command was not found instead of sending an error message
  • client.connect() now no longer returns the userID of your bot. You can use client.userID instead.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0

msgroom v1.0.1

09 May 19:36
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  • This patch adds some documentation:
    • There are now descriptions of the events in events.ts
    • There is now a small getting started part in the readme

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

Msgroom v1.0.0

09 May 19:35
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Initial release of this package!


  • Can connect to msgroom.
  • Has a working, very simple to use, command system.
  • Has support for all events.