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{"version":3,"file":"2618-a8e27e22194488984cd4.js","mappings":"uIAAA,u3M","sources":["webpack://embla-carousel-docs/./src/components/Sandbox/React/SandboxFilesDist/IosPicker/EmblaCarouselIosPickerItem.jsx"],"sourcesContent":["export default \"import React, { useEffect, useState, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';\\nimport useEmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel-react';\\nimport { flushSync } from 'react-dom';\\n\\nconst CIRCLE_DEGREES = 360;\\nconst WHEEL_ITEM_SIZE = 30;\\nconst WHEEL_ITEM_COUNT = 18;\\nconst WHEEL_ITEMS_IN_VIEW = 4;\\n\\nexport const WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS = CIRCLE_DEGREES / WHEEL_ITEM_COUNT;\\nexport const IN_VIEW_DEGREES = WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS * WHEEL_ITEMS_IN_VIEW;\\nexport const WHEEL_RADIUS = Math.round(WHEEL_ITEM_SIZE / 2 / Math.tan(Math.PI / WHEEL_ITEM_COUNT));\\n\\nconst isInView = (wheelLocation, slidePosition) => Math.abs(wheelLocation - slidePosition) < IN_VIEW_DEGREES;\\n\\nconst getSlideStyles = (emblaApi, index, loop, slideCount, totalRadius) => {\\n const wheelLocation = emblaApi.scrollProgress() * totalRadius;\\n const positionDefault = emblaApi.scrollSnapList()[index] * totalRadius;\\n const positionLoopStart = positionDefault + totalRadius;\\n const positionLoopEnd = positionDefault - totalRadius;\\n \\n let inView = false;\\n let angle = index * -WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS;\\n \\n if (isInView(wheelLocation, positionDefault)) {\\n inView = true;\\n }\\n \\n if (loop && isInView(wheelLocation, positionLoopEnd)) {\\n inView = true;\\n angle = -CIRCLE_DEGREES + (slideCount - index) * WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS;\\n }\\n \\n if (loop && isInView(wheelLocation, positionLoopStart)) {\\n inView = true;\\n angle = -(totalRadius % CIRCLE_DEGREES) - index * WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS;\\n }\\n \\n if (inView) {\\n return {\\n opacity: 1,\\n transform: `rotateX(${angle}deg) translateZ(${WHEEL_RADIUS}px)`\\n };\\n }\\n return { opacity: 0, transform: 'none' };\\n};\\n\\nexport const getContainerStyles = (wheelRotation) => ({\\n transform: `translateZ(${WHEEL_RADIUS}px) rotateX(${wheelRotation}deg)`\\n});\\n\\nexport const getSlidesStyles = (emblaApi, loop, slideCount, totalRadius) => {\\n const slidesStyles = [];\\n \\n for (let index = 0; index < slideCount; index += 1) {\\n const slideStyle = emblaApi\\n ? getSlideStyles(emblaApi, index, loop, slideCount, totalRadius)\\n : {};\\n slidesStyles.push(slideStyle);\\n }\\n return slidesStyles;\\n};\\n\\nexport const IosPickerItem = (props) => {\\n const { slideCount, perspective, label, loop = false } = props;\\n const [emblaRef, emblaApi] = useEmblaCarousel({\\n loop,\\n axis: 'y',\\n dragFree: true,\\n containScroll: false,\\n watchResize: false,\\n watchSlides: false\\n });\\n const [wheelReady, setWheelReady] = useState(false);\\n const [wheelRotation, setWheelRotation] = useState(0);\\n const rootNodeRef = useRef(null);\\n const rootNodeSize = useRef(0);\\n const totalRadius = slideCount * WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS;\\n const rotationOffset = loop ? 0 : WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS;\\n const containerStyles = getContainerStyles(wheelRotation);\\n const slideStyles = getSlidesStyles(emblaApi, loop, slideCount, totalRadius);\\n \\n const inactivateEmblaTransform = useCallback((emblaApi) => {\\n if (!emblaApi)\\n return;\\n const { translate, slideLooper } = emblaApi.internalEngine();\\n translate.clear();\\n translate.toggleActive(false);\\n slideLooper.loopPoints.forEach(({ translate }) => {\\n translate.clear();\\n translate.toggleActive(false);\\n });\\n }, []);\\n \\n const readRootNodeSize = useCallback((emblaApi) => {\\n if (!emblaApi)\\n return 0;\\n return emblaApi.rootNode().getBoundingClientRect().height;\\n }, []);\\n \\n const rotateWheel = useCallback((emblaApi) => {\\n if (!emblaApi)\\n return;\\n const rotation = slideCount * WHEEL_ITEM_RADIUS - rotationOffset;\\n setWheelRotation(rotation * emblaApi.scrollProgress());\\n }, [slideCount, rotationOffset, setWheelRotation]);\\n \\n useEffect(() => {\\n if (!emblaApi)\\n return;\\n \\n emblaApi.on('pointerUp', () => {\\n const { scrollTo, target, location } = emblaApi.internalEngine();\\n const diffToTarget = target.get() - location.get();\\n const factor = Math.abs(diffToTarget) < WHEEL_ITEM_SIZE / 2.5 ? 10 : 0.1;\\n const distance = diffToTarget * factor;\\n scrollTo.distance(distance, true);\\n });\\n \\n emblaApi.on('scroll', () => {\\n flushSync(() => rotateWheel(emblaApi));\\n });\\n \\n setWheelReady(true);\\n inactivateEmblaTransform(emblaApi);\\n rotateWheel(emblaApi);\\n }, [emblaApi, inactivateEmblaTransform, rotateWheel]);\\n \\n useEffect(() => {\\n if (!emblaApi)\\n return;\\n if (!rootNodeSize.current)\\n rootNodeSize.current = readRootNodeSize(emblaApi);\\n \\n const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => {\\n if (readRootNodeSize(emblaApi) !== rootNodeSize.current) {\\n rootNodeSize.current = readRootNodeSize(emblaApi);\\n flushSync(() => setWheelReady(false));\\n \\n setWheelReady(() => {\\n emblaApi.reInit();\\n inactivateEmblaTransform(emblaApi);\\n rotateWheel(emblaApi);\\n return true;\\n });\\n }\\n });\\n \\n resizeObserver.observe(emblaApi.rootNode());\\n \\n return () => {\\n resizeObserver.disconnect();\\n };\\n }, [\\n emblaApi,\\n inactivateEmblaTransform,\\n setWheelReady,\\n rotateWheel,\\n readRootNodeSize\\n ]);\\n \\n return (<div className=\\\"embla__ios-picker\\\">\\n <div className=\\\"embla__ios-picker__scene\\\" ref={rootNodeRef}>\\n <div className={`embla__ios-picker__viewport embla__ios-picker__viewport--perspective-${perspective}`} ref={emblaRef}>\\n <div className=\\\"embla__ios-picker__container\\\" style={wheelReady ? containerStyles : { transform: 'none' }}>\\n {, index) => (<div className=\\\"embla__ios-picker__slide\\\" key={index} style={wheelReady\\n ? slideStyle\\n : { position: 'static', transform: 'none' }}>\\n {index}\\n </div>))}\\n </div>\\n </div>\\n </div>\\n <div className=\\\"embla__ios-picker__label\\\">{label}</div>\\n </div>);\\n};\\n\";"],"names":[],"sourceRoot":""}