- feat: add ideaz-element and component docs (7aec591)
- feat: add add button (d934197)
- feat: add Array Form doc (99a08c8)
- feat: add build config file (651c490)
- feat: add checkbox test (1113ef4)
- feat: add components and types build (08326be)
- feat: add Crud component props (e5dd6d5)
- feat: add crud-form doc and fix z-crud form item slot problem (6b562c5)
- feat: add editable table maxLength and events (a9abca0)
- feat: add form component (c13b41c)
- feat: add FormColumns component (6a7a38e)
- feat: add formData parameter to the z-form hide method (71e6b98)
- feat: add FullScreen and z-table support full screen (3b01e5a)
- feat: add getRowKey function (8d29718)
- feat: add GlobalComponents dts (4acc655)
- feat: add markdownlint config (bf46a09)
- feat: add MIT LICENSE (d9d5972)
- feat: add pagination storage hook (ed602b2)
- feat: add preview vitepress component (406bb43)
- feat: add radio test and fix radio disabled problem (e25f540)
- feat: add README.md an optimize project documentation (cb15649)
- feat: add step form doc (ad28baf)
- feat: add style build (29f11a8)
- feat: add styles for row and col, and add theme-chalk package (35a5910)
- feat: add sueFormColumns and useTableColumns hook to support crud (85ed658)
- feat: add support for multiple language (4374de2)
- feat: add support for size global config (698d3d4)
- feat: add support for Vue2 multiple language (db442b0)
- feat: add TODO (143917b)
- feat: add todo plan (400a6dc)
- feat: add todo plan (179dfc6)
- feat: add todo plan (ca6852a)
- feat: add toolBar setting extra (d18a3b6)
- feat: add useShowMore hook (c6e2e24)
- feat: add vitepress search plugin (5e3325e)
- feat: add vitest config (d68b82d)
- feat: add Vue3 i18n demo (af12948)
- feat: add z-check-box-group component (8a328b6)
- feat: add z-check-card component (e3123f8)
- feat: add z-check-card test (a9b8761)
- feat: add z-col component (792f225)
- feat: add z-crud alert top (db022e3)
- feat: add z-crud columns test and fix search columns issue (9f9ff71)
- feat: add z-crud delete doc and fix add button display problem (0aa0359)
- feat: add z-crud request test (6b62a50)
- feat: add z-crud storage doc and fix request storage issue (b0c7db0)
- feat: add z-crud test and fix z-table test issue (821ded6)
- feat: add z-crud view doc and fix descriptionColumns problem (e5bbd47)
- feat: add z-descriptions component (8311a3b)
- feat: add z-descriptions test (eb1f5b6)
- feat: add z-dialog component (cb62d15)
- feat: add z-dialog test (ebc8241)
- feat: add z-filter-form component and doc (9bcb023)
- feat: add z-filter-form test (8fb9ef4)
- feat: add z-form test (77ea5c5)
- feat: add z-form-item export (ff8971f)
- feat: add z-full-screen and optimize toolBar code (54d97c3)
- feat: add z-full-screen doc (e4b51ca)
- feat: add z-input component and form add support for vue2 (3608ab9)
- feat: add z-input test (96b23e0)
- feat: add z-input ts declar and expose methods (a53acac)
- feat: add z-row component (66435c9)
- feat: add z-select test (b094fac)
- feat: add z-table column test (9a316c6)
- feat: add z-table component and doc (5e6ad31)
- feat: add z-table test file (e6f1174)
- feat: add z-tag-select component and doc (37f2c45)
- feat: add z-tag-select test (61fd646)
- feat: add z-tag-select-group component (99df2fd)
- feat: add z-text component and doc (dd5d162)
- feat: add z-watermark and doc (3bde950)
- feat: add z-watermark test and optimize z-input props (0d01478)
- feat: add ZCrud doc and optimize slot style (ca1098c)
- feat: array form support array config and add add button (ed80cb0)
- feat: array form support max length (81fb937)
- feat: Array form supports form item attributes config (11f7843)
- feat: array form supprt default placeholder, clearable, and filterable (edecdc0)
- feat: array-form code (f3a72f5)
- feat: array-form form methods (fef41fd)
- feat: built-in z-filter-form query reset logic (cb0f0b7)
- feat: change z-form attributes (b50713b)
- feat: change z-form attributes (d43752e)
- feat: change z-form-item style (049fc18)
- feat: check-card support alias path (3e2bb66)
- feat: CollapseForm doc (162e3c9)
- feat: compact z-full-screen code and optimize doc (0fca149)
- feat: crud form test (0df9750)
- feat: crud support form columns (af00327)
- feat: crud support form modelValue (1c08f8b)
- feat: crud table data support config (c7eda3d)
- feat: Determine how to configure operation button permissions for the ZTable component (64813f9)
- feat: editable table support operation config (12304af)
- feat: filterForm search button support loading and modify vite default config (523f6fa)
- feat: fix fixed columns reset problem and optimize getCheckData method (02098c1)
- feat: fix ZCrud component slot issues (9b110aa)
- feat: group form supports custom label (7dd6c6c)
- feat: improve text value (f483949)
- feat: init test (1542926)
- feat: migrate component dts (36acae1)
- feat: modify dialog config (f42e102)
- feat: OperationCard component supports size change (987bb6d)
- feat: optimize array form operation button class (2b44b4d)
- feat: optimize collapse form (7624006)
- feat: optimize collapse form slots (03d8211)
- feat: optimize component icon (7eb7bbf)
- feat: optimize component locale (0f15157)
- feat: optimize component size config (a7ee779)
- feat: optimize crud component export config (c5cc8cc)
- feat: optimize crud-cu doc (0eb7217)
- feat: optimize deps and stylelint, eslint, prettier config (c21ab16)
- feat: optimize dialog doc (165b059)
- feat: optimize doc (2c949e4)
- feat: optimize doc home (2ae0044)
- feat: optimize doc table style (8e9ad06)
- feat: optimize dynamic fields data range (52519d9)
- feat: optimize editable table operation config (90d2536)
- feat: optimize editable table rules (2f5a3f7)
- feat: optimize expose code (89a2873)
- feat: optimize ideaz-element props export (3359809)
- feat: optimize step form (6f69390)
- feat: optimize step form footer custom (ee3663f)
- feat: optimize table button and dropdown size (93dc87a)
- feat: optimize table custom column container code (88c2063)
- feat: optimize TableCol ts definition (cc19fef)
- feat: optimize the size processing of useFormSize hooking, check-card, checkbox, and descriptinos (c1d4921)
- feat: optimize toolBar item style (420f68d)
- feat: optimize toolBar refresh size and config (6330efc)
- feat: optimize toolBar render code and style (ac86ea7)
- feat: optimize toolBar style (35f95bf)
- feat: optimize useFullScreen hook (6554ae1)
- feat: optimize vite build config (f89730d)
- feat: optimize z-check-card bordered attribute (3c47399)
- feat: optimize z-check-card doc (f86f5ad)
- feat: optimize z-check-card scss, dts, and code (78fc984)
- feat: optimize z-checkbox doc (b10f1e2)
- feat: optimize z-checkbox, z-col, and z-row component dts and code (c0d816f)
- feat: optimize z-crud alert style (0dfc95f)
- feat: optimize z-crud alert title and description customization (f9cf303)
- feat: optimize z-crud closing operation (7a5cba7)
- feat: optimize z-crud custom alert (1e99537)
- feat: optimize z-crud delete event (168f526)
- feat: optimize z-crud detail (eee65cf)
- feat: optimize z-crud detail dialog (ffccfff)
- feat: optimize z-crud detail doc and fix descriptions columns (9b86e92)
- feat: optimize z-crud dialog config (5dd9130)
- feat: optimize z-crud dialog submit config (a538eff)
- feat: optimize z-crud doc (8892ee3)
- feat: optimize z-crud form config (5f17722)
- feat: optimize z-crud form data storage and pagination storage (b00cc63)
- feat: optimize z-crud front pagination (b82cdc2)
- feat: optimize z-crud loading state configuration (b6021d2)
- feat: optimize z-crud multiple delete (82fb2c9)
- feat: optimize z-crud pagination config (c04bfca)
- feat: optimize z-crud params field naming (5ce6922)
- feat: optimize z-crud request config and supplymentary z-crud api doc (c75a022)
- feat: optimize z-crud request type definition (bf3a462)
- feat: optimize z-crud rowData (71229d2)
- feat: optimize z-crud size config (bbcfbfb)
- feat: optimize z-crud table data config (7bf6100)
- feat: optimize z-crud transformEditDetail prop (4e01d49)
- feat: optimize z-descriptions code (1d16b1d)
- feat: optimize z-descriptions component extra usage (c0b44de)
- feat: optimize z-descriptions doc (25ce43f)
- feat: optimize z-descriptions label attribute (8cf9bae)
- feat: optimize z-descriptions title and extra attribute (bc2c997)
- feat: optimize z-dialog button config and add z-dialog doc (8c78eae)
- feat: optimize z-dialog cancel and confirm params (475cdf1)
- feat: optimize z-dialog default config (e9bf362)
- feat: optimize z-dialog doc (2f42574)
- feat: optimize z-dialog footer attribute (4e566a6)
- feat: optimize z-dialog title config (4b1dfe7)
- feat: optimize z-dialog type prompt (77e0462)
- feat: optimize z-dropdown and el-button layout problem (6be765c)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form doc (bf80c60)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form doc (944f9da)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form doc (00f0e6c)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form import (553b7d6)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form operation style (005685a)
- feat: optimize z-filter-form operation style and logic (62989a0)
- feat: optimize z-form doc (2f1cbc9)
- feat: optimize z-form doc (14b0dcb)
- feat: optimize z-form dts and locale (03dcd30)
- feat: optimize z-form style (14e04ca)
- feat: optimize z-full-screen (c3253b4)
- feat: optimize z-full-screen code and fix z-crud full-screen problem (75d2b69)
- feat: optimize z-full-screen doc (c6fc4f0)
- feat: optimize z-table button (ff44b5f)
- feat: optimize z-table columns watch (bec2a0e)
- feat: optimize z-table columns, pagination attribute and dts (d5b3329)
- feat: optimize z-table data config (227bb58)
- feat: optimize z-table doc and TableButton component code (b17990c)
- feat: optimize z-table dts and code (c064838)
- feat: optimize z-table editable attribute text (f373d84)
- feat: optimize z-table editable events (5eca7f6)
- feat: optimize z-table editable style (f61e9fb)
- feat: optimize z-table editable style (3d9c142)
- feat: optimize z-table pagination (96f489d)
- feat: optimize z-table pagination (4633d8e)
- feat: optimize z-table props and code (b8b2485)
- feat: optimize z-table style and ref (f37dbe4)
- feat: optimize z-table toolBar (eed6d7b)
- feat: optimize z-table top slot (b80f5c3)
- feat: optimize z-table useDraggable hook (b3f37e5)
- feat: optimize z-tag-select component and doc (2329652)
- feat: optimize z-tag-select dts and style (ea2fab2)
- feat: optimize z-tag-select function, doc, and dts (5ebb03a)
- feat: optimize z-text component, dts, and style (4b7f1af)
- feat: optimize z-watermark component, dts, doc, and props (25b33ed)
- feat: optimize ZCheckbox component code and function (6dabb0c)
- feat: optimize ZCheckCard props (fa44b43)
- feat: optimize ZCrud and ZTable doc (247f5ca)
- feat: optimize ZCrud api doc (0340f2d)
- feat: optimize ZCrud column ts definition (f9a05f9)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component delete params (8584900)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component detail Api (d328504)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (19ad036)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (88cf2c4)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (fbf4f93)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (5e1632e)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component form and table params (648f8a8)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component params api (afabae7)
- feat: optimize ZCrud defualt operation config (74ad4fb)
- feat: optimize ZCrud delete params ts and doc (93b3f7e)
- feat: optimize ZCrud dialog event params (e9849a1)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (6a4e02b)
- feat: optimize ZCrud drawer open event (b09382e)
- feat: optimize ZCrud form doc (011f254)
- feat: optimize ZCrud key down event (abe8249)
- feat: optimize ZCrud operation visible (5512496)
- feat: optimize ZCrud table columns (7508bfe)
- feat: optimize ZCrud table doc (a1b627b)
- feat: optimize ZCrud toolBar size (8748589)
- feat: optimize ZCrud type definition and doc (be0701f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud view doc (3c8347f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud watermark config (b3f539f)
- feat: optimize ZFilterForm doc (87a01b5)
- feat: optimize ZForm collapse content customization (e788975)
- feat: optimize ZForm column slot params (bffe7b6)
- feat: optimize ZForm component doc and optimize slot content function (6cedc5d)
- feat: optimize ZForm doc (6fe7fff)
- feat: optimize ZForm draggable function (475c47d)
- feat: optimize Zform item error message position (2b87419)
- feat: optimize ZForm item extra style (0e24c74)
- feat: optimize ZForm resetFields methods (e90aaed)
- feat: optimize ZInput component props and code (c2cf9c6)
- feat: optimize ZRadio component code and function (6ae4e31)
- feat: optimize ZSelect code and function (7056b44)
- feat: optimize ZSelect component option render params (d8ffce1)
- feat: optimize ZSelect component slots (90a22c8)
- feat: optimize ZSelect props (3eee531)
- feat: optimize ZTable and ZCrud slots (b889d2a)
- feat: optimize ZTable button column function params (784bc51)
- feat: optimize ZTable column component field name (3576362)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render doc (c5abd89)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render params (2249534)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (12dd7c4)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (9e7eede)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (614e221)
- feat: optimize ZTable component draggable function (4e853b4)
- feat: optimize ZTable component pagination config (4f2782d)
- feat: optimize ZTable component table column events config (250fe4d)
- feat: optimize ZTable doc (e492ed4)
- feat: optimize ZTable doc (434c8f6)
- feat: optimize ZTable doc (53564f1)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable column ts definition (90ecdc9)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable event params (20ddf31)
- feat: optimize ZTable scope data type definition (c2860ae)
- feat: optimize ZTable slot doc and test demo (487804a)
- feat: optimize ZTable top slot (50e8b7f)
- feat: Optimized component introduction usage and ts type declaration (8ef6c84)
- feat: optimze ZForm change event (d2d3a6f)
- feat: optimzie ZCrud delete params ts and doc (a5041f2)
- feat: project logo (1628c92)
- feat: radio, checkbox, select, and check-card support alias path (cd6dbb6)
- feat: remove the z-form and z-filter-form useless attribute (fab6e84)
- feat: rewrite radio-column component (0637975)
- feat: split z-tag-select title and content (5ab32cc)
- feat: step form support custom title, icon, and description (a004ba3)
- feat: step from supports custom footer (5d9c4c5)
- feat: supplement z-filter-form doc (36b9272)
- feat: supplementary z-dialog doc (c7243b5)
- feat: supplementary z-form doc (c99a542)
- feat: supplementary z-table doc (bc98e02)
- feat: supplementary z-tag-select test (fb61b2b)
- feat: supplymentary collpase form test (71a7bea)
- feat: supplymentary operation form doc (b622c4e)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud cu doc (d5d0a1f)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud delete doc (0cf6429)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud detail doc (f851a80)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud detail doc (6782a46)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud doc (e0ffcc7)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud doc (674f237)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud doc (7aab309)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud doc (b57782f)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud form doc (eb326f9)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud operate form (c130f1e)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud operate form (afc73b8)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud request test (8604301)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud search form doc (2a49fd8)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud table doc (1736df3)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud table doc and fix z-crud form problem (57fb91e)
- feat: supplymentary z-crud table test (8d300d2)
- feat: supplymentary z-form doc (107685a)
- feat: supplymentary z-form test (ead94dd)
- feat: supplymentary z-radio test and doc (1d87b40)
- feat: supplymentary z-table doc (fde0e87)
- feat: supplymentary z-table doc and type declare (77fe05c)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (8bf636a)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (df9bae1)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (adc5f52)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (2a0b033)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (0e6f1b7)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test (9f65a43)
- feat: supplymentary z-table test and dropdown button supports hide (101844e)
- feat: The component field for column supports passing directly to the component (089d626)
- feat: toolBar fixed support drag (a9f84e2)
- feat: toolBar right fixed columns support drag (3d1bd92)
- feat: toolBar support fixed (b44ebfd)
- feat: toolBar support fixed columns sortable and checked (2e4b324)
- feat: toolBar support right fixed (01d5280)
- feat: toolBar support sortable (3e5f83b)
- feat: update todo (dbc8b6e)
- feat: update todo (5c7117b)
- feat: z-check-card init (d927118)
- feat: z-check-card-group support v-model (32f22c8)
- feat: z-crud add descriptions (aefbe13)
- feat: z-crud add dialog config (d8c6abf)
- feat: z-crud component init (47d982e)
- feat: z-crud delete function supports user-defined parameters (0c56352)
- feat: z-crud dialog add confirm and cancel event (9982e32)
- feat: z-crud request supports custom params (f4576ec)
- feat: z-crud support alert config (135ca63)
- feat: z-crud support decorator config (e8e12fa)
- feat: z-crud support delete (50bce35)
- feat: z-crud support form storage and pagination storage (b43cc5c)
- feat: z-crud support multiple delete (9a08427)
- feat: z-crud support request config and export config (ce307d6)
- feat: z-crud support selectionData (7ddd427)
- feat: z-crud support view (21479ca)
- feat: z-crud support view request (bd2a38c)
- feat: z-crud supports alert title and content custom config (c9e0a4e)
- feat: z-crud supports closing operation (fcb3564)
- feat: z-crud supports custom detail params (c4f9378)
- feat: z-crud supports custom detail result and optimize submit event (152e16c)
- feat: z-crud supports custom operation dialog (06cfe1f)
- feat: z-crud supports hide operation button (535dad3)
- feat: z-descriptions doc (2eaa04f)
- feat: z-dialog detail support alias (e160350)
- feat: z-dialog init (49cb4f4)
- feat: z-dialog support import use (a87be59)
- feat: z-dialog support info, warning and danger type (cd9fcc1)
- feat: z-dialog support loading config (fb55326)
- feat: z-filter-form add form methods (22ff76c)
- feat: z-filter-form change props and size (cf14e37)
- feat: z-filter-form operation support size change (c2d9d82)
- feat: z-filter-form support slots (ed5ef01)
- feat: z-filter-form supports action button property configuration (32a6d40)
- feat: z-filter-form supports custom operation by renderOperation method (0d6a602)
- feat: z-form add component field (fbb3972)
- feat: z-form add form and formItem provide (9fa78aa)
- feat: z-form and z-filter-form support v-model (70dd522)
- feat: z-form array code (0aefd6f)
- feat: z-form change property columns (14e589e)
- feat: z-form column supports class and style config (a36ac6e)
- feat: z-form column supports colon configure (2e07ddb)
- feat: z-form component use useNamespace (1213b67)
- feat: z-form item support required (7aedd5b)
- feat: z-form remove z-col and z-row, add useCol and useRow (0778cf1)
- feat: z-form rules and slot (40021cd)
- feat: z-form support collpase attributes and event (cc0bf4b)
- feat: z-form support column config (27db0a9)
- feat: z-form support group and collapse (c0ed5ce)
- feat: z-form support step type (f9a4395)
- feat: z-form support v-model:activeStep (9b11d9c)
- feat: z-form supports divider component attribute and supplymentary z-form doc (c596143)
- feat: z-form supports label slot and optimize code (045e37d)
- feat: z-form-item error and label (7bba4b3)
- feat: z-form-item events (28ee769)
- feat: z-full-screen support teleported (dd61cf4)
- feat: z-input doc and code (5cdcf78)
- feat: z-radio doc and dts (50daa85)
- feat: z-radio supports cancel (534f564)
- feat: z-select support all option (bd04475)
- feat: z-select support group, optimize dts, and add doc (f1eae85)
- feat: z-select support render, slot, and methods (b83edc3)
- feat: z-table button type support dropdown config (07f1249)
- feat: z-table draggable handler supports custom (0bdcf53)
- feat: z-table draggable support config (edc8886)
- feat: z-table editable attribute support operate (3f8fbdd)
- feat: z-table editable attribute support validate (c544f60)
- feat: z-table editable attribute supports boolean type (e3fe1a4)
- feat: z-table editable attribute supports delete double acknowledgement (64b27d1)
- feat: z-table editable attribute supports maxLength configure (a5cae58)
- feat: z-table editable is not compatible with pagination (e36cdc9)
- feat: z-table editable support add row data (c3257b1)
- feat: z-table expand type supports automatic slot configuration (479a8a0)
- feat: z-table locale (e02cbc3)
- feat: z-table row edit function code (a76bb61)
- feat: z-table support dynamic columns (441de1a)
- feat: z-table support multiple edit (3a71863)
- feat: z-table support table header tooltip (636b2a8)
- feat: z-table support watermark config (5002e7e)
- feat: z-table supports data item drag and drop (ccf47ec)
- feat: z-table supports draggable handle (18da826)
- feat: z-table supports label custom (ba32b1b)
- feat: z-table-column change click attribute (b61191f)
- feat: z-table-column change isDisabled attribute (53ba7d1)
- feat: z-tag-select support alias config (3ae238c)
- feat: z-tag-select support all (816e0ca)
- feat: z-tag-select support auto change more visible (4f16c16)
- feat: z-tag-select support effect and type (77b4908)
- feat: z-tag-select support more (6d6fd0c)
- feat: z-tag-select support other attribute (d24fcbc)
- feat: z-tag-select title supports function and slot (f90c9c2)
- feat: z-text support auto tooltip config (a22d11c)
- feat: ZCrud component uses detailApi instead of editDetailApi (e9e196e)
- feat: ZCrud supports custom delete function (8dcdbb5)
- feat: ZForm component cancel event handling optimization (7e03d4b)
- feat: ZForm component draggable function supports closeable (b7ed694)
- feat: ZForm component field supports Vue Component (cadcd37)
- feat: ZForm component supports default slot (f1a842a)
- feat: ZForm component supports form item draggable (b1d012e)
- feat: ZTable column supports dynamic attributes (198de91)
- feat: ZTable component supports component config (3ddc0e9)
- feat: ZTable pagination slot (0d971e8)
- feat: ZTable supports title (f0cc8c1)
- refactor: change icon component writing (8ae5a57)
- refactor: docs dep (08822cb)
- refactor: improve code (8fee23c)
- refactor: improve z-input ts declare (b28b873)
- refactor: input doc (ee0e471)
- refactor: modify z-table class (7b5384a)
- refactor: optimize check-card dts (62b45a4)
- refactor: optimize code and update todo (427dd80)
- refactor: optimize crud-cu doc (e0d68a2)
- refactor: optimize crud-delete doc (25c9bfb)
- refactor: optimize crud-form doc (fd922f4)
- refactor: optimize crud-table doc (2734f37)
- refactor: optimize crud-view doc (3cee006)
- refactor: optimize directives and z-check-card code (7b62f8b)
- refactor: optimize dts and code (e28dc55)
- refactor: optimize params field (d374042)
- refactor: optimize z-check-card function and doc (b161eab)
- refactor: optimize z-dialog doc (75b8c7c)
- refactor: optimize z-input doc (8410572)
- refactor: optimize z-radio doc (c3c2fbb)
- refactor: optimize z-select doc (399ce92)
- refactor: optimize z-table doc (a3f372d)
- refactor: optimize z-tag-select doc (c74f8a9)
- refactor: optimize z-tag-select style (e9b4f64)
- refactor: optimize z-text doc (4528c8b)
- refactor: optimize ZCrud component api doc (d0fb165)
- refactor: rename z-description component (28efce8)
- refactor: test (1dcaa30)
- refactor: test (d21fa50)
- refactor: todo (9d15b6e)
- refactor: todo (ed891e1)
- refactor: update dep version (f480ff3)
- refactor: update todo (52f23a4)
- refactor: update todo (ab795de)
- refactor: update todo (758bd82)
- refactor: update todo (5628e3a)
- refactor: update todo (24a0bc2)
- refactor: update todo (bf3ea90)
- refactor: update todo (cff465c)
- refactor: update todo (da480fd)
- refactor: update todo (c7c0f68)
- refactor: update todo (de911ad)
- refactor: update todo (25e0207)
- refactor: update todo (d9ff895)
- refactor: update todo (abdf6ed)
- refactor: update todo (1725901)
- refactor: update todo (30fa4e7)
- refactor: update todo (dd5ff4f)
- refactor: update todo (584a42e)
- refactor: update todo (8976830)
- refactor: update todo (09e290c)
- refactor: update todo (d9abdd0)
- refactor: update todo (6d8a82c)
- refactor: update todo (bf32c16)
- refactor: update todo (79ee1d5)
- refactor: update todo (9055f55)
- refactor: update todo (38e153b)
- refactor: update todo (2f20311)
- refactor: update todo (539a379)
- refactor: update todo (26eea27)
- refactor: update todo (51cd346)
- refactor: update todo (4fbbd91)
- refactor: update todo (88f6e16)
- refactor: update todo (dd2d388)
- refactor: update todo (2d95e44)
- refactor: update todo (93ea2a5)
- refactor: update todo (b80fd0d)
- refactor: update todo (f160355)
- refactor: update TODO.md (ee7b6b2)
- refactor: update TODO.md (643b5da)
- refactor: update TODO.md (7e98d49)
- refactor: update TODO.md (1f9bc69)
- refactor: update TODO.md (101e831)
- refactor: update TODO.md (2d3df46)
- refactor: update TODO.md (0d1be2b)
- refactor: update TODO.md (ea027c7)
- refactor: update TODO.md (0da8581)
- refactor: update TODO.md (6679495)
- refactor: update TODO.md (14f9a54)
- refactor: update TODO.md (5d79fb6)
- refactor: update TODO.md (49a783c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (3fab2eb)
- refactor: update TODO.md (d7e859a)
- refactor: update TODO.md (b975a26)
- refactor: update TODO.md (438de6c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (558e9b4)
- refactor: update TODO.md (6b47c22)
- refactor: update TODO.md (326a9a0)
- refactor: update TODO.md (e9b2d28)
- refactor: update TODO.md (b85f9ee)
- refactor: update TODO.md and vitepress sidebar (9be8022)
- refactor: website layout and doc (d7a7126)
- refactor: z-checkbox doc and dts (7c143d8)
- fix: fix column problem (e75342c)
- fix: fix component event issue (d3663f9)
- fix: fix component size issue (5bdb4fa)
- fix: fix conflict between the z-table editable attribute and the type attribute of column (6ffa7d8)
- fix: fix crud-form test issue (59b5b23)
- fix: fix crud-request test issue (186f3b3)
- fix: fix crud-tb test issue (aad49f5)
- fix: fix editable table cancel and input problem (0fa08bf)
- fix: fix enter keycode problem and pagination storage problem (8288f94)
- fix: fix fixed column reset (88fbd2f)
- fix: fix fixed columns reset problem (a0403e0)
- fix: fix form colon attribute invalidation issue (5725bd1)
- fix: fix form item validate problem (7956d08)
- fix: fix full screen tooltip problem (3c5f876)
- fix: fix inject warning (ce66360)
- fix: fix last form item margin (7876979)
- fix: fix layout confusion caused by z-filter-form hide attribute (1a2636c)
- fix: fix pagination component visible problem (3027e30)
- fix: fix pagination hook ts type issue (b5b263a)
- fix: fix reset checked fixed column problem (409d45c)
- fix: fix reset checked fixed column problem (6d511f8)
- fix: fix rule error report (8ab3823)
- fix: fix sort column reset problem (8c906be)
- fix: fix table columns reset problem (069b548)
- fix: fix table select test (a1c616f)
- fix: fix table test issue (90c3a60)
- fix: fix the issue of ineffective toolbar in full screen mode (6a35333)
- fix: fix toolBar sortTablesCols problem (2dada28)
- fix: fix tsx type issue (e751cb3)
- fix: fix z-crud columns update problem (c0f4275)
- fix: fix z-crud detail label problem (564419a)
- fix: fix z-crud full screen problem (cd904cc)
- fix: fix z-crud icon update problem (b4c46b3)
- fix: fix z-crud no form style (eed07e9)
- fix: fix z-crud pagination storage problem (9986570)
- fix: fix z-crud pagination update problem (621d40f)
- fix: fix z-crud radio change problem (84d3cef)
- fix: fix z-crud refresh not reset checked status issue (840ba75)
- fix: fix z-crud request test issue (8ff6977)
- fix: fix z-crud search form bottom spacing problem (77c6874)
- fix: fix z-descriptions array type warning problem (4594b42)
- fix: fix z-dialog footer not display (b808121)
- fix: fix z-dialog tip function button extend problem (41e5468)
- fix: fix z-filer-form form item problem (c5a44f2)
- fix: fix z-filter-form formItemProps rule message problem (dc48141)
- fix: fix z-form activeCollapse problem (0893277)
- fix: fix z-form and z-filter-form placeholder problem (7c92fde)
- fix: fix z-form collapse modelValue (560ff5a)
- fix: fix z-form column message problem (4b4d528)
- fix: fix z-input input event (12eaf93)
- fix: fix z-select option (c89ceac)
- fix: fix z-table draggable problem (1e7e43f)
- fix: fix z-table draggable update problem (a0287f9)
- fix: fix z-table dragging hover style problem (0d9cc56)
- fix: fix z-table editable refresh problem (81a1920)
- fix: fix z-table editable select problem (bd6e1f6)
- fix: fix z-table no slot template warning (8af7c99)
- fix: fix z-table operation style problem (5b1f303)
- fix: fix z-table options problem (eb162aa)
- fix: fix z-table radio change event problem (e18b77f)
- fix: fix z-table toolBar checkbox not check default (a80ba9b)
- fix: fix z-table toolBar marginBottom style problem (d450953)
- fix: fix z-table watch warning (82a1bed)
- fix: fix z-text en words (feec41b)
- fix: fix ZCrud component alert ts type issue (6f5b38e)
- fix: fix ZCrud component operation column click event issue (75772ce)
- fix: fix ZCrud dialog form data issue (4f6d2a7)
- fix: fix ZCrud ts type issue (e3389a4)
- fix: fix ZFilterForm component toggle button style issue (0ae2392)
- fix: fix ZFilterForm test issue (2a8cae9)
- fix: fix ZForm draggable function warning issue (d0b69be)
- fix: fix ZForm test issue (fdae3fb)
- fix: fix ZFormItem component extra style issue (28c510d)
- fix: fix ZFormItem extra field style issue (bf5e70c)
- fix: fix ZSelect test issue (bf90a8c)
- fix: fix ZTable column row data update issue (665e924)
- fix: fix ZTable component select columns event issues (f0e1603)
- fix: fix ZTable multiple editable input issue (860b3ed)
- fix: fix ZTable toolBar reset function issue (2a68e3e)
- fix: fix ZWatermark test issue (50ebe61)
- fix: Fixed an issue where ZForm component data could not be reset (0f5d864)
- fix: optimize toolBar fixed methods (1a4a003)
- fix: optimize ZCrud useFormMethods (acf9353)
- fix: update deps and fix data boundary issues (f081c10)
- fix: update el-checkbox-group label field (5d71d12)
- fix: update element-plus el-radio component label field (6411f31)
- fix: z-crud table data problem (07bb8f3)
- feawt: optimize z-dialog import use params and fix destroy problem (544ebc2)
- feat:optimize z-table edit function (0f6b0a6)
- deps: change vue3 version (609cb65)
- chore: migrate project from gitee (5beb85e)
- feat: add Array Form doc (4630166)
- feat: add getRowKey function (df00544)
- feat: add MIT LICENSE (de6e3c8)
- feat: add README.md and optimize project documentation (09cced0)
- feat: add step form doc (734136d)
- feat: Array form supports form item attributes config (0717616)
- feat: Determine how to configure operation button permissions for the ZTable component (786445b)
- feat: fix ZCrud slot issues (67f3b54)
- feat: init (4d0b955)
- feat: optimize code (5154621)
- feat: optimize collapse form (f9e5e95)
- feat: optimize doc (b99ecdd)
- feat: optimize doc home (394e79d)
- feat: optimize dynamic fields data range (30308b7)
- feat: optimize ideaz-element props export (c3fe41e)
- feat: optimize table custom column container code (6e2666e)
- feat: optimize TableCol ts definition (da7d0f8)
- feat: optimize ZCheckCard props (0266f3c)
- feat: optimize ZCrud and ZTable doc (af83ca5)
- feat: optimize ZCrud api doc (1f03d2f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud column ts definition (d0550af)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component delete params (c601641)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component detail Api (aef7926)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (f2c0ef8)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (0a0f393)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component form and table params (ccc44c6)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component params api (b7a4c7c)
- feat: optimize ZCrud cu doc (2a1a922)
- feat: optimize ZCrud default operation config (7dda756)
- feat: optimize ZCrud delete params ts and doc (a32032b)
- feat: optimize ZCrud dialog event params (315c7b1)
- feat: optimize ZCrud dialog form params ts type and doc (b2ed94a)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (288c403)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (05cb995)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (7df5f72)
- feat: optimize ZCrud drawer open event (8738114)
- feat: optimize ZCrud form doc (fa6ca6f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud key down event (35b8731)
- feat: optimize ZCrud opeartion visible (2e22beb)
- feat: optimize ZCrud table doc (76c0bb4)
- feat: optimize ZCrud type definition and doc (0871c6d)
- feat: optimize ZCrud view doc (6aaaf97)
- feat: optimize ZFilterForm doc (0d579aa)
- feat: optimize ZForm column slot params (d5a64fc)
- feat: optimize ZForm doc (bcd53bb)
- feat: optimize ZForm item error message position (b7d0892)
- feat: optimize ZForm item extra style (cdfc2b3)
- feat: optimize ZForm resetFields method (82cd5cd)
- feat: optimize ZSelect component option render params (75109cc)
- feat: optimize ZTabel component table column events config (2d26170)
- feat: optimize ZTable button column function params (0829827)
- feat: optimize ZTable column component field name (69c2e63)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render doc (1ff2b2e)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render params (37b389f)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (50e2046)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (603b38f)
- feat: optimize ZTable component pagination config (7ec2b89)
- feat: optimize ZTable doc (92b01e6)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable column ts definition (00e9baf)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable event params (e01fa4b)
- feat: optimize ZTable scope data type definition (7b40659)
- feat: optimize ZTable slot doc and test demo (d6f35ff)
- feat: Optimized component introduction usage and ts type declaration (e552cd9)
- feat: optmize ZTable component doc (4727703)
- feat: project logo (0affabb)
- feat: The component field for column supports passing directly to the component (01d115f)
- feat: ZCrud component uses detailApi instead of editDetailApi (11e7db4)
- feat: ZCrud supports custom delete function (d3eed6b)
- feat: ZForm component cancel event handling optimization (77cff49)
- feat: ZTable column supports dynamic attributes (b41706a)
- feat: ZTable component supports component config (fcb904f)
- refactor: optimize params field (f9b553d)
- refactor: update dep version (a6114f0)
- refactor: update TODO.md (a496c11)
- refactor: update TODO.md (bf2390c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (443830b)
- refactor: update TODO.md (e0d7b3f)
- refactor: update TODO.md (b2d4be4)
- refactor: update TODO.md (0f80f7c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (3363fd2)
- refactor: update TODO.md (893f4ec)
- refactor: update TODO.md (68db8fd)
- refactor: update TODO.md (8f956ad)
- fix: fix crud-form test issue (56108b0)
- fix: fix crud-request issue (1a07cd6)
- fix: fix crud-tb test issue (017c528)
- fix: fix pagination hook ts type issue (9780487)
- fix: fix table test issue (57df066)
- fix: fix ZCrud component alert ts type issue (17c7e5c)
- fix: fix ZCrud component operation column click event issue (cea7e83)
- fix: fix ZCrud dialog form data issue (d55b3e2)
- fix: fix ZCrud ts type issue (e550fcc)
- fix: fix ZFilterForm test issue (f804a42)
- fix: fix ZForm test issue (49b1744)
- fix: fix ZSelect test issue (d399f40)
- fix: fix ZTabel toolBar reset function issue (d486fdb)
- fix: fix ZTable column change event row data update issue (d8af79e)
- fix: fix ZTable column row data update issue (9a57f75)
- fix: fix ZTable component select column event issues (aa55d62)
- fix: fix ZTable multiple editable input issue (4065364)
- fix: fix ZWatermark test issue (8bfffa0)
- fix: Fixed an issue where ZForm component data could not be reset (6aba9f4)
- fix: optimize ZCrud useFormMethods (b069b4d)
- feat: add Array Form doc (4630166)
- feat: add getRowKey function (df00544)
- feat: add MIT LICENSE (de6e3c8)
- feat: add README.md and optimize project documentation (09cced0)
- feat: add step form doc (734136d)
- feat: Array form supports form item attributes config (0717616)
- feat: Determine how to configure operation button permissions for the ZTable component (786445b)
- feat: fix ZCrud slot issues (67f3b54)
- feat: init (4d0b955)
- feat: optimize code (5154621)
- feat: optimize collapse form (f9e5e95)
- feat: optimize doc (b99ecdd)
- feat: optimize doc home (394e79d)
- feat: optimize dynamic fields data range (30308b7)
- feat: optimize ideaz-element props export (c3fe41e)
- feat: optimize table custom column container code (6e2666e)
- feat: optimize TableCol ts definition (da7d0f8)
- feat: optimize ZCheckCard props (0266f3c)
- feat: optimize ZCrud and ZTable doc (af83ca5)
- feat: optimize ZCrud api doc (1f03d2f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud column ts definition (d0550af)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component delete params (c601641)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component detail Api (aef7926)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (f2c0ef8)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component doc (0a0f393)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component form and table params (ccc44c6)
- feat: optimize ZCrud component params api (b7a4c7c)
- feat: optimize ZCrud cu doc (2a1a922)
- feat: optimize ZCrud default operation config (7dda756)
- feat: optimize ZCrud delete params ts and doc (a32032b)
- feat: optimize ZCrud dialog event params (315c7b1)
- feat: optimize ZCrud dialog form params ts type and doc (b2ed94a)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (288c403)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (05cb995)
- feat: optimize ZCrud doc (7df5f72)
- feat: optimize ZCrud drawer open event (8738114)
- feat: optimize ZCrud form doc (fa6ca6f)
- feat: optimize ZCrud key down event (35b8731)
- feat: optimize ZCrud opeartion visible (2e22beb)
- feat: optimize ZCrud table doc (76c0bb4)
- feat: optimize ZCrud type definition and doc (0871c6d)
- feat: optimize ZCrud view doc (6aaaf97)
- feat: optimize ZFilterForm doc (0d579aa)
- feat: optimize ZForm column slot params (d5a64fc)
- feat: optimize ZForm doc (bcd53bb)
- feat: optimize ZForm item error message position (b7d0892)
- feat: optimize ZForm item extra style (cdfc2b3)
- feat: optimize ZForm resetFields method (82cd5cd)
- feat: optimize ZSelect component option render params (75109cc)
- feat: optimize ZTabel component table column events config (2d26170)
- feat: optimize ZTable button column function params (0829827)
- feat: optimize ZTable column component field name (69c2e63)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render doc (1ff2b2e)
- feat: optimize ZTable column events and render params (37b389f)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (50e2046)
- feat: optimize ZTable component doc (603b38f)
- feat: optimize ZTable component pagination config (7ec2b89)
- feat: optimize ZTable doc (92b01e6)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable column ts definition (00e9baf)
- feat: optimize ZTable editable event params (e01fa4b)
- feat: optimize ZTable scope data type definition (7b40659)
- feat: optimize ZTable slot doc and test demo (d6f35ff)
- feat: Optimized component introduction usage and ts type declaration (e552cd9)
- feat: optmize ZTable component doc (4727703)
- feat: project logo (0affabb)
- feat: The component field for column supports passing directly to the component (01d115f)
- feat: ZCrud component uses detailApi instead of editDetailApi (11e7db4)
- feat: ZCrud supports custom delete function (d3eed6b)
- feat: ZForm component cancel event handling optimization (77cff49)
- feat: ZTable column supports dynamic attributes (b41706a)
- feat: ZTable component supports component config (fcb904f)
- refactor: optimize params field (f9b553d)
- refactor: update dep version (a6114f0)
- refactor: update TODO.md (a496c11)
- refactor: update TODO.md (bf2390c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (443830b)
- refactor: update TODO.md (e0d7b3f)
- refactor: update TODO.md (b2d4be4)
- refactor: update TODO.md (0f80f7c)
- refactor: update TODO.md (3363fd2)
- refactor: update TODO.md (893f4ec)
- refactor: update TODO.md (68db8fd)
- refactor: update TODO.md (8f956ad)
- fix: fix crud-form test issue (56108b0)
- fix: fix crud-request issue (1a07cd6)
- fix: fix crud-tb test issue (017c528)
- fix: fix pagination hook ts type issue (9780487)
- fix: fix table test issue (57df066)
- fix: fix ZCrud component alert ts type issue (17c7e5c)
- fix: fix ZCrud component operation column click event issue (cea7e83)
- fix: fix ZCrud dialog form data issue (d55b3e2)
- fix: fix ZCrud ts type issue (e550fcc)
- fix: fix ZFilterForm test issue (f804a42)
- fix: fix ZForm test issue (49b1744)
- fix: fix ZSelect test issue (d399f40)
- fix: fix ZTabel toolBar reset function issue (d486fdb)
- fix: fix ZTable column change event row data update issue (d8af79e)
- fix: fix ZTable column row data update issue (9a57f75)
- fix: fix ZTable component select column event issues (aa55d62)
- fix: fix ZTable multiple editable input issue (4065364)
- fix: fix ZWatermark test issue (8bfffa0)
- fix: Fixed an issue where ZForm component data could not be reset (6aba9f4)
- fix: optimize ZCrud useFormMethods (b069b4d)