There are a number of techniques that are helpful for training large-scale models efficiently.
This chapter may be helpful if you're going to be working with large-scale models, but it's also reasonable to skip and come back to it if and when it becomes relevant.
- How to Train Really Large Models on Many GPUs - An overview of many relevant topics, including data parallelism, pipelining and mixed-precision training.
- Megatron-LM 2 - A detailed analysis of different model parallelism techniques.
- ZeRO - A way to make data parallelism more memory-efficient (at the cost of additional communication), by partitioning optimizer states, gradients and parameters across data-parallel processes.
- Mixed Precision Training - Using reduced floating-point precision is important for training efficiency, but comes with a risk of errors and instabilities. This paper describes a typical mixed-precision setup, including a technique called loss scaling used to help minimize underflow.
- MPI tutorial (can skip the "Introduction and MPI installation" section) - MPI is an interface for passing messages that is often used to implement different kinds of parallelism.
- Triton tutorial - Most of the numeric operations used to train models are performed on GPUs, which can perform parallel computation efficiently. Triton provides a Python-based programming environment for writing code that can be compiled to run on a GPU.
Make a parallelized version of your MNIST script or transformer implementation:
- Install mpi4py and play around with it to check you understand how it works.
- Implement data parallelism. Some things to remember:
- The dataset needs to be sharded
- The random initialization needs to be broadcast
- Gradients need to be allreduced
- Run your code on 2 GPUs in parallel and check that you get the same learning curve as with 1 GPU (with the same global batch size).
- (Optional) Implement pipeline parallelism and/or op sharding - these are harder
OR for a fun but less useful exercise:
Write an implementation of Adam using Triton, which is "fused" in the sense that the entire update is performed by a single call to low-level GPU code.
- First write the code for the update rule that can be compiled using
decorator. - Then write the PyTorch function that calls the compiled update rule.
- Benchmark your implementation and compare it to