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Workflow for establishing new NYU CrossRef DOIs and transforming required metatdata


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Workflow for establishing new NYU CrossRef DOIs and transforming required metatdata

Steps in automation workflow for journal content type (example)

  1. Client fills in preliminary Google spreadsheet (copied from our template, but remaining in our owned Drive folder) with journal title and publication info, then at least title and author info for each article in that issue. At this point, these are placeholders so we know how many DOIs to mint and how umbrella objects (e.g. a journal issue) relate to sub-objects (e.g. an article).
  2. Service provide runs script to read from template GSheet, then does a second call to the master DOI registry pull in list of previously registered DOIs from master GSheet (to prevent collision).
  3. In same step, script generates the correct number of unregistered draft DOIs and adds them to the template for each article.
  4. Client uses these DOIs to place them on electronic assets, e.g. the journal issue and article.
  5. Client fills out the remainder of the template with full metadata if not completed already.
  6. Second script reads the template again and transforms the full metadata to a valid XML record for upload to CrossRef. Script uses pre-established XML templates and fills it in with metadata gleaned from template GSheet
  7. XML is validated using CrossRef validator (
  8. XML is sent to CrossRef to register and activate DOIs
  9. Master registry sheet is updated by hand to reflect newly registered DOIs

File Components

│   │  
│   │───serials_template.xml
|   │───report_template.xml
│   └───website_template.xml
│   │
│   │───   
│   │───
│   │───
│   |───   
|   └───
  1. Two utilities to handle separate aspects of the workflows:
  • : classes and functions to handle instantiating a doi production session (including "minting" proposed DOIs and generating resulting XML). These might include:
class MetsHandler()

A list-of-dictionaries object representing the set of all objects receiving Dois in a single session, each object in turn represented by a dictionary with the keys as metadata fields (i.e. column headers from gsheet template) and values the user-entered values. Has methods that 1. produce proposed non-colliding DOI suffixes for each object, 2. produces alternative formats for re-updating the gsheet (e.g. a list-of-lists version of itself).

  • classes and functions to handle the read/write of metadata to and from template gsheets we provide to users as well as reading from our current registry of CrossRef NYU DOIs to handle collisions. These might include:
def retrieve_doi_mets(sheet_id)

A function to access the metadata in a gsheet template (identified using sheet_num) using previous oauth access object.

  1. /xml_templates/serials_template.xml, website_template.xml, etc.: set of XML formatted templates meeting CrossRef upload standards and Django template-like approach to passing variables in the content of tags.

  2. main script to run workflow. Should take as sysargv input the gsheet being used as the template and a setting as to whether this is a preliminary doi creation or an xml creation job.

  3. /utils/, a one-time use utility to generate GSheets access


Our sample GSheet template is at:


Google's Sheets API modules

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib

Pulling Journal, Issue, and Article Metadata from GSheet and generating XML

  1. git clone
  2. cd doi_crossref_workflow
  3. Copy

    files to this directory

  4. After patron fills out basic information (journal and issue info; titles of articles), we can generate proposed DOIs for them:

python build-doi serials GSHEET-ID


python build-doi serials 1lRSZcW-5me13p823kK7q_ow6cdZq1pw9-ohKENJ8N1k
  1. This allows patron to then add the proposed DOIs to the e-copy and make the deposit in FDA, enabling Handle creation, record URL, etc. Patron then needs to finish filling out rest of GSheet so that we can make XML:
python build-xml serials GSHEET-ID

OPTION: A default filename for the XML output based on the serial title will be created

If a custom file name is required, place one as the parameter after the GSHEET, omitting the .xml extension part of the name, e.g.

python build-xml serials GSHEET-ID myJournal_vol10_issue1
  1. If successful resulting XML will be produced in a 'crossref_xml_output.xml' or a filename using the custom filename entered as a parameter.

  2. For cases where we just want to mint proposed DOIs to fill in gaps in legacy data, this option generates non-colliding DOIs based on our registry sheet and prints them out to terminal. The last parameter is the number of DOIs needed:

python generate-pseudo-doi 5


Quality Assurance/Error checking:

  • Error exception handling for Sheets/Validation step for GSheet for each of the two functions
  • Create a function that analyzes info received from GSheet and looks for missing columns/identifies whether this is a case with abstracts, page numbers, etc. Sends warning to users about missing info so that scripts can be halted rather than failing
  • Ability to include certain fields (like an abstract, page numbers) or not (would require "template" metadata object with a dictionary structure that reflects the fields wanted, plus XML templates that work for that type)
  • Automate the XML validation against CrossRef schema (rather than rely on manual checking using CR interface)

Enhance capabilities:

  • Adjust for new FDA API call option to retrieve Handles. Possible steps are:

    1. Add steps in to kick off API calls, matches, and write to GSheet
    2. Create new set of utils,, to make calls to FDA and match GSheet info to FDA info, return Handles to write to GSheet
    3. Enhance write_doi_mets() function to accommodate writing Handles
  • Expand content types beyond serials to include reports, plus make whole system more extensible for future content types. Possible steps:

  1. Review CrossRef XML formatting for report types
  2. Build GSheet template to collect information needed for a report content type
  3. Complete
    so that it is ready to use as report template
  • Allow script to write registered DOIs to NYU's master sheet. Steps might include:
  1. Compose
    method to
    class so that minted DOIs can be written back to master NYU DOI sheet


Workflow for establishing new NYU CrossRef DOIs and transforming required metatdata







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