Complete World Of Warcraft Dragonflight Dark Theme overhaul.
This is complete texture overhaul to dark version. Texture should work with every AddOn available and there should not be any problems with compatibility. Texture Pack isnt slowing loading times or your game performance.
- Download AddOn Dark Theme UI from CurseForge. Having AddOn installed will help you to keep a track with future updates to Texture Pack. Download link:
- Download Texture Pack (You can do that by clicking on "Code" button and "Download ZIP").
- Unpack ZIP file you downloaded. (You might need to download extraction tool like WinRAR or 7-Zip)
- Open extracted file and copy the content of the folder into your /World of Warcraft/retail/Interface file. !Its not an AddOn so dont copy it into AddOn folder!
Your "Interface" folder after installation should look like this:
- Launch the game or restart your game if you had it open already. Game needs to be restarted in order to load new Texture Pack, simple /reload is not enough and wont work.
- Enjoy Dark Theme UI Texture Pack. If you experienced any problems or Texture Pack isnt working dont mind asking for help in CurseForge comments or Discord (soon).
Work in Progress. We will update it soon.