+! use time_manager_mod
+! implicit none
+! type(time_type) :: dt, init_date, astro_base_date, time, final_date
+! type(time_type) :: next_rad_time, mid_date
+! type(time_type) :: repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length
+! integer :: num_steps, i, days, months, years, seconds, minutes, hours
+! integer :: months2, length
+! real :: astro_days
+! !Set calendar type
+! ! call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS)
+! call set_calendar_type(JULIAN)
+! ! call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP)
+! ! Set timestep
+! dt = set_time(1100, 0)
+! ! Set initial date
+! init_date = set_date(1992, 1, 1)
+! ! Set date for astronomy delta calculation
+! astro_base_date = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+! ! Copy initial time to model current time
+! time = init_date
+! ! Determine how many steps to do to run one year
+! final_date = increment_date(init_date, years = 1)
+! num_steps = (final_date - init_date) / dt
+! write(*, *) 'Number of steps is' , num_steps
+! ! Want to compute radiation at initial step, then every two hours
+! next_rad_time = time + set_time(7200, 0)
+! ! Test repeat alarm
+! repeat_alarm_freq = set_time(0, 1)
+! repeat_alarm_length = set_time(7200, 0)
+! ! Loop through a year
+! do i = 1, num_steps
+! ! Increment time
+! time = time + dt
+! ! Test repeat alarm
+! if(repeat_alarm(time, repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length)) &
+! write(*, *) 'REPEAT ALARM IS TRUE'
+! ! Should radiation be computed? Three possible tests.
+! ! First test assumes exact interval; just ask if times are equal
+! ! if(time == next_rad_time) then
+! ! Second test computes rad on last time step that is <= radiation time
+! ! if((next_rad_time - time) < dt .and. time < next_rad) then
+! ! Third test computes rad on time step closest to radiation time
+! if(interval_alarm(time, dt, next_rad_time, set_time(7200, 0))) then
+! call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! write(*, *) days, month_name(months), years, hours, minutes, seconds
+! ! Need to compute real number of days between current time and astro_base
+! call get_time(time - astro_base_date, seconds, days)
+! astro_days = days + seconds / 86400.
+! ! write(*, *) 'astro offset ', astro_days
+! end if
+! ! Can compute daily, monthly, yearly, hourly, etc. diagnostics as for rad
+! ! Example: do diagnostics on last time step of this month
+! call get_date(time + dt, years, months2, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! if(months /= months2) then
+! write(*, *) 'last timestep of month'
+! write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds
+! endif
+! ! Example: mid-month diagnostics; inefficient to make things clear
+! length = days_in_month(time)
+! call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
+! mid_date = set_date(years, months, 1) + set_time(0, length) / 2
+! if(time < mid_date .and. (mid_date - time) < dt) then
+! write(*, *) 'mid-month time'
+! write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds
+! endif
+! end do
+! end program time_main2