To keep it simple: Be nice.
To be a bit more explicit: We are borrowing The Carpentries' well-phrased suggestions and encourage the following kinds of behaviours:
- Use welcoming and inclusive language
- Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accept constructive criticism
- Show courtesy and respect towards each other
See the four social rules for further recommendations.
NFDI4Microbiota is a member of NFDI e.V. and therefore we are officially committed to follow the association's goals, values and mission. Below is an excerpt from the Code of Conduct of the association (from PDF: "Verhaltenskodex des Vereins Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V. Version 1.0").
As members of the association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V., we are committed to the association's goals of establishing and further developing an overarching research data management system in Germany and thereby increasing the efficiency of the entire German science system. We pursue its interests collectively. We strive for constructive cooperation and contribute to the reputation of the association through our personal actions. In our concrete cooperation, we are helped in particular by observing the following points:
NFDI stands for mutual appreciation. Therefore, we cultivate an appreciative and respectful interaction in our daily work. We live a work culture in which each person can develop with his or her abilities and thus create an atmosphere of mutual recognition and openness. Our daily interaction is characterized by the fact that we value the performance and contribution of each individual to the NFDI Association. We encourage each other to be constructively critical. Disagreements are important and allowed, but are not an excuse for bad behavior or bad manners. We avoid allowing temporary stress or frustration to lead to hurtful behavior. A community can only be productive when the people who live and -work together do not feel uncomfortable, threatened or hurt. We therefore expect all people involved in NFDI to treat each other with respect and appreciation.
We are one NFDI: We create synergy effects through equal participation and joint work of all partner organizations on cross-sectional topics, in sections and through growing, mutual understanding in the network. Consequently, NFDI is about collaboration and working together as equals. We know that we need to join forces to achieve our goals together. We support each other in achieving our goals, respect individual competencies and needs, and thus create the basis for working in a spirit of trust and respect.
Science and innovation thrive on open and constructive dialog. Only where a critical exchange is possible can old approaches be questioned and new ideas developed. We therefore live a working culture in which processes are openly discussed and constructive criticism is practiced. Wherever people work together on ambitious projects, conflicts, tensions and differences of opinion arise - and NFDI is no exception. The decisive factor in such conflicts and disagreements is that they are not avoided, but are brought to a factual and constructive resolution. We address the resolution of conflicts promptly in order to resolve them in the best interests of all parties involved and to maintain a good working atmosphere.
That is why we foster a culture in which people with different perspectives and backgrounds meet as equals. We respect and allow different ideas and opinions. Even in the case of controversial topics and opposing positions, we enter into an open and solution-oriented dialog with each other.
We do not want to hush up mistakes or cover up problems. Instead, we live an open and positive error culture in which errors are accepted in order to bring about improvements and innovations. Therefore, we cultivate a constructive approach to challenges and errors that arise, in order to be able to eliminate weaknesses and develop new approaches to solutions. In order to ensure an open working atmosphere and good working conditions, we live this error culture in our daily interaction - across all hierarchical levels. We also see ourselves as a role model for others. That is why we communicate openly, act in a motivating manner and always show appreciation for our counterparts. We strive to communicate our actions and decisions in a way that is understandable to others. We attach great importance to factual comprehensibility in all relevant decision-making processes.
In the NFDI, people with individual personalities, talents, life situations, experiences and backgrounds come together. We see this diversity as our great strength and a decisive factor in the success of our association. Through national and international networking, we contribute to intercultural cooperation. We cultivate a considerate cooperation that is characterized by mutual acceptance. We emphasize that there is no place in NFDI for any form of sexism, racism, insults, bullying or sexual harassment. We do not tolerate such behavior in our ranks. We all contribute to actively counteracting such violations.