The eddy-covariance flux processor eddy4R consists of modular software packages in the R-language for statistical computing. The namesake eddy4R Docker image is based on on the rocker/ropensci image, and currently adds two eddy4R packages and their dependencies as builds from a Dockerfile. Build additions on the operating system side:
- EBImage dependencies
- fftw3
- fftw3-dev
- libjpeg-dev
- libtiff-dev
- REddyProc dependencies
- libudunits2-0
- libudunits2-dev
- libnetcdf-dev
- udunits-bin
Build additions on the R-side via the eddy4R installation script:
- eddy4R.base
- eddy4R.qaqc
For additional information please see Sect. 2.6 "Installation and operation" in eddy4R: A community-extensible processing, analysis and modeling framework for eddy-covariance data based on R, Git, Docker and HDF5.