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Software, architecture, and data index design for the 2018/2019 Virus Discovery Project


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Software, architecture, and data index design for the 2018/2019 Virus Discovery Project

exaple plot from indexed results


Please find the publication resulting from this event here

For information on how to access the contigs used during the event, please reference the readme here

If publishing results which make use of these contigs please cite: Connor R, Brister R, Buchmann JP, et al. NCBI's Virus Discovery Hackathon: Engaging Research Communities to Identify Cloud Infrastructure Requirements. Genes (Basel). 2019;10(9)

The initial results and learned lessons have been compiled into a manuscript currently under review. The following layout indicates the directories containing the material related to this publication and the related sections within.

|-- DarkMatter1         3.5 Domain Mapping / 3.6 Gene Annotation
|-- DataSelection       3.2 Data Selection
|-- DomainLabeling      3.4 Data Clustering / 3.5 Domain Mapping
|-- KnownViruses        3.3 Data Segmentation / 3.5 Domain Mapping
|-- MachineLearning     3.7 Metadata Analysis
`-- Phylo               3.4 Data Clustering

Here we present a compromise pipeline for extracting virological information from publicly available metagenomic datasets, in order to present a usable index to the virological research community.

Objectives (See Project Kanban Boards):

Known Virus Index

Presentation here -

The 'Knowns' portion of the VirusDiscovery pipeline processes data from the guided assembly database to sort for virus-like contigs. Specifically, contigs are processed with BLASTN, sorting for an average nucleotide identity ('ANI') of greater than 80% or other defined cutoff. For contigs identified as viral, an index entry is generated as below.

Index for 'Known' viral contigs:

  • Metagenome SRR accession [string]
  • Contig name [string]
  • Assembly type [denovo, reference guided]
  • Median depth of coverage by reads of contig [int]
  • Length [int]
  • Covered length from hit [int]
  • NCBI taxonomy id by kmer [int]
  • NCBI taxonomic species by kmer [string]
  • Unique kmer hits [int]
  • Species for reference-guided assembly [string]
  • Accession for subject in blastn [string]
  • NCBI taxonomy id for subject in blastn [string]
  • Percent idendity of blastn hit [float]
  • Evalue of blastn hit [float]
  • Bit score of blastn hit [float]
  • Length of blastn hit [int]

We assume that the contigs db will remain as part of the VirusDiscoveryProject Index ('VDPI') and that indices to that db will be adequate for access rather than having to store individual contigs with the VDPI. This contig db is assumed to include metagenome accession IDs. From those IDs search can make available access to other desirable data features, as provided in the NCBI Virus DB, such as species, source material, country of origin, etc. so we need not provide such information.

The Knowns pipeline generates a possible taxonomic level based on more 85% ANI and more than 80% of coverage by blastn hit and provides that in the index. We propose that there also be entries allowing for expert curation when and if any occurs. The auto-generated taxonomic identity id simply derived from the best blastn hit.

Contigs that have an ANI and coverage lower than the cutoff are sorted and their indices are provided to the Novel Virus processing pipeline.

Detection of novel contigs and novel viruses

Presentation here -

Scaling: Containerization, distribution, and user interface + contribution mechanism?

Presentation here -

Test Data Selection

Detecting recombination and variation from/in known viruses

Determination of phylogenetic position of viruses similar to knowns

Look at what NCBI built for us!

NCBI Blast Docker:

BLAST workbench docker (+magicBLAST, +EDirect) -- beta

NCBI_Powertools (+ sra toolkit)

Theres also a nice cookbook here, with thanks to @christiam!

BLAST databases

BLAST Databases currently being updated to the NIH STRIDES GCP bucket and can be obtained via or obtained pre-configured via the BLAST GCP VM.

Virus specific ones!
  1. ref_viruses_rep_genomes_v5
  • Virus RefSeq; Reference Viral sequences
  • Entrez query - “latest_refseq[Prop] AND viruses[Organism]”
  1. ref_viroids_rep_genomes_v5
  • Viroid RefSeq; Reference Viroid Sequences
  • Entrez Query - “latest_refseq[Prop] AND viroids[Organism]”
  1. NCBI_VIV_protein_sequences_v5
  1. NCBI_VIV_nucleotide_sequences_v5


SRA realign project

SRA public metagenome data has been aligned and assembled in Google cloud and the results are stored in the bucket gs://ncbi_sra_realign/. The project is an ongoing activity and as of the 12/11/2018 there is almost 150000 realigned runs available for the hackathon.

The URLs to individual files can be built using SRA run accession, for example: gs://ncbi_sra_realign/ERR2227558.realign

Here is an example how to download a realigned file: gsutil cp gs://ncbi_sra_realign/ERR2227558.realign .

To list all realign file: gsutil -m ls gs://ncbi_sra_realign/*.realign

SRA toolkit provides means to read the data stored in realigned files. For example, to view references: align-info ERR2227558.realign

To extract a contig by name: dump-ref-fasta ERR2227558.realign Contig_100000_4.78977

To dump reads in fasta format: fastq-dump -Z --fasta ERR2227558.realign Contig_100000_4.78977 | head

All reads from an SRR archive were aligned against the human genome reference sequence (GRCh38.p12) using HISAT2 (--no-spliced-alignment --no-discordant guidedassembler_graph options: --extend_ends --word 11 --seed_prec 6 --min_hit_len 1000 --fraction 0.1 --no_filter_by_reads --no_filter_by_pairs)

Realign metadata

For the duration of the hackathon additional information is available in BigQuery: coverage, contig taxonomy and summary with breakdown of host/viral/denovo/unmapped reads. Please note that the processing is still ongoing, so the numbers provided are not final.

Some BigQuery examples:

  • number of available SRA runs (133200): select count(distinct accession) from ncbi_sra_realign.coverage

  • number of guided contigs (274928): select count(1) from ncbi_sra_realign.coverage where contig not like 'Contig_%' and REGEXP_CONTAINS(contig, '_[[:digit:]]$')

  • number of denovo contigs (2674975354): select count(1) from ncbi_sra_realign.coverage where contig like 'Contig_%'

  • number of SRA runs with available contig taxonomy (100): select count(distinct accession) from ncbi_sra_realign.taxonomy


Premature scaling is the root of all evil.

Diversity of test data -- and by extension, real data -- is critical

Reference sets are critical and must be large, diverse and accurate

They also must be dynamic and grow quickly

Massive datasets may be able to dynamically reduce unknown space

i/o is a huge limitation, even in cloud

Permission and access issues can be a huge limitations

Networks of fast databases dynamically created from stable databases may be the optimal structure for serving disparate use cases

Communication between data generators and processors is ideally (initially) done in person

If it can’t be communicated, the (meta)datasets and toolsets should not exist.

All meta-analysis should be done on exactly the same set

Domain profiles have immense potential for sorting things in massive datasets

They should be treated as first-class reference objects

A massive expansion of these data objects (computationally) may be the most effective way to expand into new data spaces

Contigs are much more popular than reads with the participants here. Knowing which reads map to those contigs is also helpful

Easy-to-use ensemble-method pipelines are critical for rapid implementation

Theoretical calculations are no replacement for experiencing fast compute first-hand

Clean metadata on metagenomes is really important

Motivation to work hard on a dataset

When we spend time curating datasets we should work on the ones with the most metadata

It is easier to make novel discoveries from a homogenous information space.

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