Update Server Version of Website
Create new Section_Order for the default. def get_most_successful_section_order(): # Replace this with the actual logic for finding the most successful Section_Order return Section_Order.objects.get( section_order_id="7b3064b3-8b6c-4e3e-acca-f7750e45129b" )
Hier muss die neue id hinterlegt werden.
Test if everything works
Change the Old Index Website into the new one (just comment out the old one)
Change the new Index into the new one
22.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
Topic: NADOOIT Website Videohosting
Because we do not want to have a cookie banner we need to host the videos on our own server. We need to find a way to do this. Videos can be part of website sections.
Find a way to host videos on our own server
Use https://github.com/videojs/video.js/ as a player
Create a preview image for the video
Create a way to upload and view videos in the admin panel
Add a way to integrate a video in the template of the section without having the id of the video in the template. Instead do something likse this: {% video section.video %} This way we can change the video in the admin panel and it will be changed in the template as well. To do this we need to create a custom template tag, filter or context processor.
Create a way to have playlists of videos
Create a new section with a video
Create a new section with a playlist of videos