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Ledger Hardware Wallet JavaScript bindings for Sui, based on LedgerJS.
Here is a sample app for Node:
const Transport = require('@ledgerhq/hw-transport').default;
const Sui = require('@mysten/ledgerjs-hw-app-sui').default;
const getPublicKey = async () => {
const sui = new Sui(await Transport.create());
return await sui.getPublicKey("44'/784'/0'/0'/0'");
const signTransaction = async () => {
const sui = new Sui(await Transport.create());
return await sui.signTransaction("44'/784'/0'/0'/0'", '<transaction contents>');
const getVersion = async () => {
const sui = new Sui(await Transport.create());
return await sui.getVersion();
const doAll = async () => {
console.log(await getPublicKey());
console.log(await signTransaction());
console.log(await getVersion());
doAll().catch((err) => console.log(err));
string (optional, default"Sui"
import Sui from 'ledgerjs-hw-app-sui';
const transport = await Transport.create();
const sui = new Sui(transport);
Gets the Sui address for a given BIP-32 path.
string a path in BIP-32 formatdisplayOnDevice
boolean whether or not to display the address on the Ledger device.
const publicKey = await sui.getPublicKey("44'/784'/0'/0'/0'");
Returns Promise<string> an object with a public key.
Sign a transaction with a given BIP-32 path.
string a path in BIP-32 format
const publicKey = await sui.signTransaction("44'/784'/0'/0'/0'", '<transaction contents>');
Returns Promise<object> an object with text field containing a signature.
Get the version of the application installed on the hardware device.
console.log(await sui.getVersion());
for version 0.1.0, it produces something like
major: 0
minor: 1
patch: 0
Returns Promise<{object}> an object with major, minor, and patch of the version.