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Feature flags

Luit Hollander edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

What are feature flags?

Feature flagging is a technique that can be used to turn features on/off. Thats it. Specifically for our use-case, feature flags are used to allow us to develop and commit WIP features to master so that we can easily have multiple people collaborate on the features at the same time, while not needing many branches-of-branches-of-branches. For our purposes, our feature flag panel is here. You can see most of the features are toggled to true. This means that those features are currently active. There are also IS_DEV features which are available only in development builds (yarn dev). These features will NOT show up in because mycryptobuilds is meant to publish a staged-production build.

How are feature flags used?

Once you've made the feature flag, you can use the flag's boolean state in order to do a few things:

How do I enable/disable/add/remove a feature flag?

All current feature flags are located in common/v2/config/isActiveFeature.ts.