├── components - React components used across multiple features. Components in this directory must be in at least two features.
| ├── Component.tsx - The React component logic.
| ├── Component.scss - Styling for the component.
├── config - Configuration constants used across multiple features. Constants in this directory must be in at least two features.
├── features - Related chunks of application functionality.
| ├── Feature - An individual feature.
| | ├── Subfeature - A nested feature that acts as a piece of the feature.
| | ├── Feature.tsx - The primary component encapsulating the feature; typically the landing page of a route.
| | ├── Feature.scss - Styling for the primary feature component.
| | ├── components - Single-use components that are solely used in the feature. If used elsewhere, it should be moved to the global directory.
| | ├── constants.ts - Single-use constants that are solely used in the feature. If used elsewhere, it should be moved to the global directory.
| | ├── helpers.ts - Single-use helper functions that are solely used in the feature. If used elsewhere, it should be moved to the global directory (in /utils).
| | ├── routes.ts - Routing configuration objects that point to the feature and subfeatures.
| ├── registry.json - Configuration file used to enumerate the various features for the routing mechanism.
├── providers - React components that utilize context, contain domain over one particular set of functionality.
├── routing - Utility functions that gather all of the routes prior to loading in the Root-level component.
├── services - Chunks of business-layer-logic functionality with domain over one particular set of functionality.
| ├── Service - An individual service.
| | ├── Service.ts - The class file for the service.
| | ├── constants.ts - Single-use configuration variables only used for the service. If used elsewhere, it should be moved to the global directory.
| | ├── helpers.ts - Single-use helper functions only used for the service. If used elsewhere, it should be moved to the global directory.
├── utils - Reusable utility functions that are used across multiple features.