Frp 是一个高性能的反向代理应用,可以帮助您轻松地进行内网穿透,对外网提供服务,支持 tcp, http, https 等协议类型,并且 web 服务支持根据域名进行路由转发。
wget -O ./
chmod 700 ./
./ install
wget -O ./
chmod 700 ./
./ install
./ uninstall
./ update
Usage: /etc/init.d/frps {start|stop|restart|status|config|version}
- Add progress bar for download frps tar file Issue 101
- fix typo
Add new server os to support, RHEL,Rocky,AlmaLinux OS.
Add new server os on frps.init file
- fix check server os version script bug
Add quic of transport protocol support,server port default same as https port.
Add user-defined functions for the kcp bind port,server port default same as bind port.
- Fix the script under frps server start faild still install complete bug.
Add trace option at log level, default is info
Update shell update function, ask the user if they want to update
- frps support transport heartbeatTimeout = 90, default is enable
- Amend function name to frps
- Change curl command to get server ip from wget command Issue 117
- Update frp server config format to follow up the latest version.
bind_addr --> bindAddr bind_port --> bindPort kcp_bind_port --> kcpBindPort etc..
- frps program config file change to frps.toml from