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HackerRank PublicHackerRank Online Judge Problem Solutions included Algorithms, Data Structure, Mathematics, Programming Language
Deep-Learning-Specialization-Coursera PublicDeep Learning Specialization Course by Coursera. Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Hyper Tuning, Regularization, Optimization, Data Processing, Convolutional NN, Sequence Models are including this Co…
TensorFlow-in-Practice-Coursera PublicHands on practice courses about machine learning framework TensorFlow provided by Coursera. In this project, Tensorflow is implemented on MLP, CNN, NLP and Sequence Time Series & Prediction.
Deploy-a-high-availability-web-app-using-CloudFormation PublicDeploying web servers for a highly available web app using CloudFormation.
Jenkins-Pipelines-on-AWS PublicCreate and run an instance on AWS, configure Jenkins, and create a pipeline to deploy a static website on S3.
Udacity-Deep-Learning-Nanodegree PublicThe course is contained knowledge that are useful to work on deep learning as an engineer. Simple neural networks & training, CNN, Autoencoders and feature extraction, Transfer learning, RNN, LSTM,…
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