Version: 0.1.0
- Golang ( Server not use frameworks, only Golang pure )
- Python
- FastApi (Web Framework)
- Walrus (Redis)
- Peewee (Database ORM)
- Pydantic (Schema Validation)
- Uvicorn ( Web Server Implementation )
- MariaDb (Database Relational)
- KeyDB (Database key value, like Redis)
- Kubernetes ( Container Orchestration )
- Helm (Kubernetes Package Manager)
- Kind (Kubernetes platform local to develop)
- Istio (Service Mesh)
- Docker Compose (Docker Orchestration)
- Docker
- K6 (Load Test, Test the application if she can be stable)
To run this application you need a Kubernetes Cluster, use one what you like how ACS, AKS, GKE or another. Here we use
Follow the steps to install kind in your machine and created a cluster. I think is better you create a cluster with 3 nodes, 1 Main and 2 Sons
Install in your cluster to have a break with start load test
istioctl install --profile=default -y
After you can install Nginx Ingress too, in my case I use Kind
Now, can install a tools to help you to observer application in cluster like Kiali, Grafana and Jaeger
After created your cluster go to folder kubernetes and apply file namespace
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/namespace.yml
create database inside cluster because is more simple to manager, you not need create security groups and another snuffs to access database, But not make it in real life :)
Let's install database MariaDb and KeyDb with Helm
helm install mysql bitnami/mariadb --namespace=sorteio --set auth.rootPassword=sorteio
helm install keydb enapter/keydb --namespace=sorteio
wait some seconds to create new Namespace called sorteio
and execute this command above
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/
Will create another services like, deployment, load balance, destination rule and more in namespace sorteio
but not will stay stable because no have a database created at this moment.
Wait more one or two minutes and open your browser in http://localhost/admin, you can use this page to show data created by raffle application
username: root
password: sorteio
host: mysql-mariadb
database: leave blank
Create a new database with name sorteio