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Sorter facade

Morwenn edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 21 revisions

To write a full-fledged sorter, implementers have to implement a variety of operator() overloads with a rather high redundancy factor. To make the task simpler, cpp-sort provides a wrapper class which generates most of the boilerplate for the required operations in the simplest cases. To benefit from it, one needs to create a sorter implementation and to wrap it into sorter_facade:

struct frob_sorter_impl
    // Regular sorter code

struct frob_sorter:

Moreover, sorter_facade inherits from its template parameter, therefore it has all the properties of the sorter implementation it wraps, including the nested type aliases and additional functions. The only things that may be overridden are described below, but all of them eventually end up calling functions from the sorter implementation anyway.


sorter_facade is default-constructible if the sorter implementation is default-constructible.

sorter_facade also has a constructor tailored to forward its parameters to the sorter implementation:

template<typename... Args>
constexpr sorter_facade(Args&&... args):

Changed in version 1.5.0: sorter_facade can now be constructed with any number of parameters and forwards them to the sorter implementation.

Conversion to function pointers

As long as the sorter implementation it wraps is an empty and default-constructible type, sorter_facade provides the following member functions so that a sorter can be turned into a function pointer:

template<typename Iterable, typename... Args>
constexpr operator Ret(*)(Iterable&, Args...)() const;

template<typename Iterable, typename... Args>
constexpr operator Ret(*)(Iterable&&, Args...)() const;

template<typename Iterator, typename... Args>
constexpr operator Ret(*)(Iterator, Iterator, Args...)() const;

Note that the function pointer conversion syntax above is made up, but it allows to clearly highlight what it does while hiding the typedefs needed for the syntax to be valid. In these signatures, Ret is the std::result_of_t of the sorter called with the parameters. The actual implementation is more verbose and redundant, but it allows to transform a sorter into a function pointer corresponding to any valid overload of operator().

WARNING: conversion to function pointers does not work with MSVC (issue #185).

Changed in version 1.5.0: these conversion operators exists if and only if the wrapped sorter implementation is empty and default-constructible.

Changed in version 1.10.0: the conversion operators are always constexpr (it used to be a C++17 feature).

operator() for pairs of iterators

sorter_facade provides the following overloads of operator() to handle pairs of iterators:

template<typename Iterator>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator, typename Compare>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, Compare compare) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator, typename Projection>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator, typename Compare, typename Projection>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last,
                          Compare compare, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

These overloads will generally forward the parameters to the corresponding operator() in the wrapped sorter implementation. It does some additional magic to forward compare and projection to the most suitable operator() overload in the sorter implementation and to complete the call with instances of std::less<> and/or utility::identity when additional parameters are needed. Basically, it ensures that everything can be done if Sorter has a single operator() taking a pair of iterators, a comparison function and a projection function.

Provided you have a sorting function with a standard iterator interface, creating the corresponding sorter becomes trivial thanks to sorter_facade. For instance, here is a simple sorter wrapping a selection_sort:

struct selection_sorter_impl
        typename RandomAccessIterator,
        typename Compare = std::less<>,
        typename Projection = cppsort::utility::identity
    auto operator()(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
                    Compare compare={}, Projection projection={}) const
        -> void
        selection_sort(first, last, compare, projection);

struct selection_sorter:

Changed in version 1.10.0: those overloads are now constexpr.

operator() for ranges

sorter_facade provides the following overloads of operator() to handle ranges:

template<typename Iterable>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable, typename Compare>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, Compare compare) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable, typename Projection>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable, typename Compare, typename Projection>
constexpr auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, Compare compare, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

These overloads will generally forward the parameters to the corresponding operator() overloads in the wrapped sorter implementation if they exist, or try to call an equivalent operator() taking a pair of iterators in the wrapped sorter by using utility::begin and utility::end on the iterable to sort. It also does some additional magic to forward compare and projection to the most suitable operator() overload in sorter and to complete the call with instances of std::less<> and/or utility::identity when additional parameters are needed. Basically, it ensures that everything can be done if Sorter has a single operator() taking a pair of iterators, a comparison function and a projection function.

It will always call the most suitable iterable operator() overload in the wrapped sorter implementation if there is one, and dispatch the call to an overload taking a pair of iterators when it cannot do otherwise.

NOTE: range overloads are marked as constexpr but rely on std::begin and std::end, which means that they can't actually be used in a constexpr context before C++17 (except for arrays).

Changed in version 1.10.0: those overloads are now constexpr.

Projection support for comparison-only sorters

Some sorter implementations are able to handle custom comparison functions but don't have any dedicated support for projections. If such an implementation is wrapped by sorter_facade and is given a projection function, sorter_facade will bake the projection into the comparison function and give the result to the sorter implementation as a comparison function. Basically it means that a sorter implementation with a single operator() taking a pair of iterators and a comparison function can take any iterable, pair of iterators, comparison and/or projection function once it wrapped into sorter_facade.

The reverse operation (baking a comparison function into a projection function) is not doable and simply does not make sense most of the time, so sorter_facade does not provide it for projection-only sorter implementations.

Universal support for std::less<> and utility::identity

cpp-sort considers that every collection sorted without a specific comparison nor projection function shoud work as if it was sorted with std::less<> and utility::identity. However, some sorters do not provide overloads for operator() taking comparison and/or projection functions. sorter_facade provides the following overloads so that every sorter can be passed std::less<> and/or utility::identity even if does not handle other comparisons or projections:

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, std::less<>) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, utility::identity) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, std::less<>, utility::identity) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterable, typename Projection>
auto operator()(Iterable&& iterable, std::less<>, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, std::less<>) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, utility::identity) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last,
                std::less<>, utility::identity) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Iterator, typename Projection>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last,
                std::less<>, Projection projection) const
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

When std::identity is available, special overloads are provided with the same behaviour as the utility::identity ones.

When std::ranges::less is available, special overloads are provided with a behaviour similar to that of the std::less<> ones.

While it does not appear in this documentation, sorter_facade actually relies on an extensive amount of SFINAE tricks to ensure that only the operator() overloads that are needed and viable are generated. For example, the magic std::less<> overloads won't be generated if the wrapped sorter implementation already accepts a comparison function.

Changed in version 1.9.0: when std::identity is available, special overloads are provided.

Changed in version 1.9.0: when std::ranges::less is available, special overloads are provided.

Changed in version 1.10.0: those overloads are now constexpr.